Riders in Insurance

Riders are additional benefits that you can add to your existing insurance plan to provide further enhancement and customise your plan as per your current or future needs. Riders enhance your insurance cover, qualitatively and quantitatively.

At Bharti AXA Life Insurance we offer a wide variety of riders that can be added to your existing plans.

Riders We Offer

Bharti AXA Life Linked Complete Shield Rider

A Non-Linked, Non-Participating Individual Health Insurance Rider

The Bharti AXA life non-linked complete shield rider gives you protection from many life risks.

Bharti AXA Life Non-Linked Complete Shield Rider

A Non-Linked, Non-Participating Individual Health Insurance Rider

Accidents and critical incidents can hit you badly without any prior notification. 

Bharti AXA Life Term Rider

Non-Linked Non-Participating Term Insurance Rider

This Life Term Rider pays out an additional Sum Assured in case of death of the Life Insured. This amount is in addition to the Death Benefit under the Base Policy.

Bharti AXA Life Premium Waiver Rider

Bharti AXA Life Premium Waiver Rider provides you with additional protection that waives off your future premiums, in case you are faced with an unfortunate and sudden event like critical illness, permanent disability or death. Therefore, your benefits under the base plan continue as is.

Bharti AXA Life Hospi Cash Benefit Rider

A health insurance rider that offers you a fixed amount benefit for each day of hospitalisation. It also offers a fixed amount benefit if you are admitted in an Intensive Unit Care or a lump sum benefit in case of surgery

Bharti AXA Life Group Accidental Death Benefit Rider

A Rider that offers better protection for the family, in case of loss of life of the Life Insured due to any sudden accident.