Term Insurance Policies by Bharti AXA Life

Bharti AXA Life Flexi Term Pro

  • A Non-linked, Individual, Non-participating Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance policy
  • The plan offers two options: Without Return of Premium and With Return of Premium
  • Under the Without Return of Premium variant, you have the option between Single Life cover or Joint Life Cover i.e., cover for your spouse under the same policy.
  • Flexibility in policy and premium payment terms

Bharti AXA Life Suraksha

  • A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/ Savings Life Insurance Plan
  • Get life insurance cover and flexibility to customize your term insurance plan as per your needs!

Bharti AXA Life Saral Jeevan Bima Plan

  • Non-Linked Non-Participating term insurance plan
  • Double the sum Assured on death due to Accident
  • Flexibility to choose a policy term
  • No medical examinations• Ease of purchase as no lengthy underwriting procedures are involved.
  • Tax benefits

Bharti AXA Life Grameen Jeevan Bima Yojana

  • A Non-Linked, Non-Participating Life Term Micro Insurance Plan
  • Ensure the happiness of your loved ones!

What is Term Insurance?

Term insurance is a type of life insurance that provides financial protection in the case of the policyholder’s demise. It is a life insurance that offers financial protection and coverage to the policy beneficiary if the insured dies during the active period of the term insurance policy. Basically, a term policy gives complete financial stability and protection to the insured's loved ones in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In the case that the insured passes away during the period of the insurance policy, the sum assured is paid to the insured's policy nominee as a death benefit as per the terms and conditions of the policy.


A term insurance policy not only provides financial security and protection to the insured individual's family but also assist them in meeting their future needs, such as their children's education and marriage and other things. Some insurance companies also provide permanent or partial disability coverage, which prevents the policyholder's permanent income from being disrupted.


Term life insurance policy offers the highest life coverage and term insurance tax benefits at the lowest premium rates for the duration of the policy.


Before purchasing a term policy, it is critical to understand the benefits and major aspects of term insurance. A term life insurance policy provides life insurance coverage against the fixed sum of premium paid over a specified policy period.

Bharti AXA Life Premium Protect Plan

Why You Should Buy Term Insurance Policy?

People of all ages understand the necessity of purchasing the ideal term life insurance coverage for their needs. In today's fast-paced world, every family needs financial security under a term policy to deal with the financial burden of losing a loved one, especially the breadwinner.
It also aids the family in repaying debts such as vehicle and home loans, if any exist.


Here are a few reasons why term insurance is a good investment :


To Secure your Family's Future


An unfortunate incident such as the untimely death of a family member can be extremely upsetting, especially if the family is financially dependent on the individual. Investing in a term policy relieves financial stress and uncertainty while also meeting the family's financial needs.


To Insure your Assets


Financial dependents may be required to sell assets in order to cover daily expenses if the principal income earner is absent. Financial dependents, for example, may be forced to sell their home or investment holdings to raise finances. This could have a long-term harmful influence on their well-being. Instead, a term insurance policy's death benefit can provide significant sums to cover everyday expenses or for any other reason. As a result, assets with significant long-term worth do not need to be liquidated.


To Be Ready for the Unexpected


Life's uncertainties have the power to make or break us in unimaginable ways. When watching the present global coronavirus pandemic, this is easy to understand. A term policy's main benefit is that it keeps us prepared for such circumstances. By choosing the term insurance policy, you can get a substantial life insurance policy for a reasonable price.


To Avail Extensive Coverage at Low Premium


Majorly each term insurance policy has lower premium rates than other types of life insurance, making them affordable to everybody. A term insurance policy's coverage is extensive with a reasonably priced premium. As a result, such a policy forms the basis of one's financial portfolio because it provides exceptional protection.


Assists in Maintaining the Current Living Standard


A person can ensure that their family members enjoy a well-maintained life with a high standard of living even if they are not present by using the term policy. Term insurance are designed to aid in long-term financial planning.




Term insurance plans can be armed with multiple riders. These riders are quite valuable and can supplement a term insurance policy by providing additional protection. Some riders include expedited death benefit rider, accidental death benefit rider, critical illness rider, waiver of premium rider, etc.

Who Should Buy a Term Insurance Plan?

A term insurance policy is beneficial to everyone having a family. It is more of a requirement for some than for others. Term insurance has some of the lowest premiums compared to other types of insurance coverage. It can be used as a financial support system for people who have a limited budget and income. People with modest incomes will be unable to save the necessary funds in the case of unforeseen circumstances.


Purchasing a term insurance policy could be quite beneficial to these individuals and their families.


Premiums paid for life insurance are deducted from taxable income under Section 80C, providing a two-fold advantage to taxpayers: protection and tax savings. In addition, section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act of 1961 exempts the sum assured as per the terms and conditions of the policy (death benefit) received under a term insurance policy from taxation.


As a result, everyone who benefits from any of the three major advantages of term insurance should consider purchasing one. These three major advantages are life insurance, tax savings, and low premiums.




In most cases, parents are their children's only source of financial support. Children's requirements range from school fees and living expenses to large university tuition bills later in life. An adverse situation involving a parent might put their future in jeopardy and compromise the life prospects of their children. By acquiring a term insurance policy, parents can ensure that this scenario does not occur.


Young Professionals


The majority of people opt to buy term insurance after they get married or later in their careers. Those who have recently begun working, on the other hand, will greatly benefit from getting term insurance. Parents or siblings are likely to be financial dependents on such people. Purchasing term insurance at such an early stage in one's career has several advantages.


Let's have a look at some of these advantages :


  • Taxable premium
  • You can purchase offline or online term policy.
  • One can avail significant level of coverage amount as the premiums are low.
  • Individuals can add or remove nominations at any moment. As a result, if the policyholder later marries, the spouse and children can be added as a beneficiary.


Working Women


Today's women are equally responsible to manage their household finances and provide for their families. A family's income is now as reliant on the woman as it is on the man. This dependence necessitates providing financial security to your loved ones in the event of your death. Even if you are not present, a Term Insurance policy ensures that your parents, spouse, and children are financially secure. It ensures that your family's lifestyle is not jeopardised and that they may achieve the objectives you set for them. The term insurance cover amount also aids in the repayment of any outstanding liabilities such as home loans, auto loans, education loans, and other similar debts.




There are over 1.5 crore regular income taxpayers, in the country. Taxpayers are constantly on the hunt for tools that can provide them with favourable tax benefits. A term insurance policy can provide tax benefits to policyholders in addition to protecting one's financial dependents from financial difficulties. Policyholders can claim a tax deduction on their term insurance premiums paid under Section 80C.


Entrepreneurs or Self-Employed Individuals


Self-employed people make up a large portion of India's workforce. And there can be numerous ups and downs of self-employment as it takes a long time to build a successful business or independent practice. As a result, a self-employed person's income is likely to be inconsistent. Hence, one of the primary concerns of a self-employed person is the well-being of financial dependents. A self-employed professional can ensure that the objectives of financial dependents are never jeopardised by buying a term insurance policy.


Newly Married Couple


Term insurance policies are a good place to start when it comes to building a strong financial portfolio for newlywed couples. Both spouses may have financial responsibilities and may want to leverage the benefits of buying term insurance as soon as possible. In addition, when a child is born later, the term insurance plan might make the child the only joint beneficiary.


Individuals Who are About to Retire or Have Already Retired


It may not seem sensible to buy a term insurance policy during one's retirement years because one's responsibilities are likely to be completed. However, financial dependents, such as a non-working spouse or child, may still exist. You could also want to leave a sizable fortune to your children or grandkids. Term insurance premiums are also tax-free, subject to the conditions outlined in section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act of 1961.

Benefits of Term Life Insurance Policy

  • Maximum Coverage at Affordable Premiums

    Since term insurance is the most basic type of life insurance and may be obtained for a low cost, it is easy to maintain and delivers more benefits for a lower payment than other insurance policies. Premiums can be paid monthly, half-annual, or yearly, depending on the chosen frequency.

  • Premium Payment Flexibility

    You can choose to pay your premiums monthly, semi-annually, or annually. There are also term insurance policies with a single premium payment option.

  • Death Benefit

    It is the entire sum assured amount provided by the insurance provider to the policy's beneficiary in the event of the insured policyholder's death.

  • Life Coverage

    Whole life insurance, which covers the insured for a significantly longer period, can provide adequate coverage and protection. Therefore, you can get more benefits for a longer period with this policy.

  • Coverage Against Illnesses

    Many term insurance plans also include critical sickness benefits, which allow you to receive quality care for life-threatening disorders without having to worry about the expense. For example, by adding a Critical Illness Rider to your Bharti AXA Life Term insurance policy.

  • Benefits to Nuclear Family

    There is a higher chance of only one breadwinner in nuclear families, on whom the family is financially reliant. In such a circumstance, term insurance would be quite beneficial, as they would alleviate the financial strain that the family would suffer in their absence.

  • Tax Benefit

    Under two provisions of the Income Tax Act, a term insurance policy gives tax benefits. You can claim a tax deduction for the premium you paid under the Income Tax Act. Premium paid up to the limit of Rs. 1.5 lakhs are considered eligible for tax deduction under this act. Furthermore, under this act, the maturity benefit granted by some term insurance policies is tax exempted.

  • Rider Benefit

    Rider benefit can be added to term insurance policies as an add-on cover. By paying an additional payment, you can get this along with the benefits of term insurance.

  • Maturity Benefits

    A pure term insurance policy only provides coverage in the form of a death benefit to the insured's beneficiary. It does not offer any maturity benefit on usual terms. However, some policies provide a maturity benefit in the form of a premium refund if the insured lives to the end of the term policy period. One such policy is the Term Return of Premium policy (TROP).

  • Protection Against Liabilities

    A term policy's sum assured will protect your dependents from your financial obligations, such as a loan or any other debt. They will be able to pay off the loan with the insurance payouts they have received.

Features of Term Insurance Plans

A term policy is the purest form of life insurance that secures the deceased's family financially and provides stability. Here are some of the important features of term life insurance :


  • Low Entry Age

    The majority of term insurance policies have an entrance age of 18 years; that is, you can purchase term insurance as soon as you turn 18.

  • Long-Term Policy

    To keep insured, you can choose a longer-term for your term policy. With Bharti AXA life term life insurance, you can be insured for up to 50 years.

  • Save Tax Under Sections 80C and 80D Of the Income Tax Act of 1961.

    The premium you pay for term insurance can help you save money on taxes. Critical sickness premiums paid under a term insurance policy save you tax under section 80D, whereas term insurance premiums are counted under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, subject to certain restrictions. Tax advantages are based on current tax regulations, which are subject to change.

  • Death Benefits as a Source of Income

    Modern term insurance allows you to provide a regular income as well as a lump-sum payment to your dependents in the case of your untimely death.

  • Premiums Survival Return

    If you survive the term insurance period, you can now get your full money back. Term insurance policies with a return of premium benefit offer a survival reward of all paid premiums on the policy.

  • Disability Benefit with Term Insurance Plans

    With a term insurance policy, you can get a disability benefit. Any impairment, whether caused by an accident or sickness, can have an impact on your ability to make money. However, you can add a disability benefit rider to your term insurance policy at a low cost to remain secure in such a situation. Disability insurance is available for a fee in addition to the regular term insurance cost.

  • Protection against Life-threatening Diseases

    Some curable conditions that can be life-threatening include cancer, heart attack, and renal failure. Don't allow money to get in the way of your recovery from these disorders. On payment of an additional premium, critical illness coverage is offered with term insurance.

  • Age of Maturity

    Term life insurance provides the most coverage for the largest age group of all life insurance policies. With a term insurance by Bharti AXA Life, you can keep your coverage until you're 85 years old.

Why Buy Term Insurance Online?

Rather than purchasing term insurance from a local agent, you can do so online. There are many reasons why purchasing an online term policy sounds plausible.


  • Term insurance comparison is simple.
  • You can easily purchase a term insurance policy online from the comfort of your home.
  • Term policy premiums are comparatively lower than those paid when purchasing offline.
  • Multiple secure payment alternatives are available for paying the premium.

4 Simple Steps to Buy the Term Insurance Policy Online

Here is a quick and easy way to buy a term life insurance policy :

  • Calculate Your Sum Assured

    Estimate Your Sum Assured based on your financial needs, then go to the website and click on Calculate Premium to begin the term insurance purchasing process. Our term insurance calculator's form asks a few basic questions about your age, contact information, smoking habits, and annual income.
  • Select Your Payment Tenure

    You can choose from various term insurance advantages, including a regular monthly income payment, a return of premium choice, and a critical illness benefit.
  • Request a Quote

    You can request a quote after choosing the payment tenure.
  • Complete the Form and Pay the Premium

    Once you've decided on your benefits under our term insurance policy, you may pay the payment and fill out the remaining information. After filling out all of the information, you'll need to submit the documents to finish your application for a term life insurance policy.

How Much Term Insurance Coverage Do You Need?

According to the traditional thumb rule, sum assured by term insurance plans should be ten to twenty times your annual income. However, every individual’s needs differ; it's critical to evaluate various aspects before settling on a figure.


Here are some things to think about when determining the quantity of insurance coverage, you'll need.


Income Substitution


This strategy is based on the idea that the insurance amount should replace the breadwinner's earnings if the worst happens. For a set number of years, the insurance company pays the nominee a certain amount.


Expense Substitution


An expense replacement allows for the policyholder's family's daily spending & goals. As per financial experts, the insured must evaluate daily expenses, debts, and future aspirations, among other things, to determine the approximate amount of money a family requires. Deducting the present value of your investments and insurance is the next step.


Subtract your home's value and any investments that your family will need in your absence. The amount left over after subtracting your assets and insurance from your expenditure is the optimal term insurance amount.


Human Life Value Method


The Human Life Value method calculates the worth of human life based on the present value of future expenditure such as future income, spending, investments, etc. In addition, the HLV technique considers various characteristics such as your age, gender, occupation, goal retirement age, annual income, number of dependents, etc., to assess your insurance needs.

How to Choose One of the Best Term Plans?

Term insurance is a low-cost, high-benefit financial instrument that assists in achieving this goal while also providing financial security and a death benefit. Before deciding on the option, it's critical to think about and carefully evaluate all of the necessary aspects. Age, income, health history, liabilities, and other factors must all be considered. Other factors that must be carefully and thoroughly evaluated are listed below.


  • The Claim Settlement Ratio

    An insurance company's claim settlement ratio notifies a person of the number of policies that have been settled by paying back claims in the event of death. Purchasing term insurance from a firm that denies your term policy claim defeats the point of purchasing the policy in the first place.
  • Solvency Ratio

    A solvency ratio is a crucial metric used by prospective business lenders to assess an enterprise's capacity to satisfy its long-term debt obligations. A solvency ratio determines whether a company's cash flow is sufficient to meet its long-term liabilities and so serves as a measure of its financial health.
  • Option to Add Critical Illness Benefit

    A critical illness can also leave an individual incapable of earning money and providing for their family. This is why it’s important to make sure that there’s a financial safety net in place for these unprecedented times.
  • Option to add Accidental Death Benefit

    Accidental death benefit can make your life insurance policy much more comprehensive and allows your family to get the death benefit even in the case of accidental death.
  • Waiver of Premium on Terminal Illness

    This rider allows for a premium waiver in case of the unfortunate event when the policyholder gets diagnosed with a terminal illness.

How Does a Term Plan Work?

  • If you choose a term insurance plan, a lump sum payment will be made to your family in the event of the policyholder's death.
  • You can choose to receive term insurance benefits in the form of a regular monthly income or a lumpsum payment, depending on the option you choose.
  • Riders can be added to a basic term insurance policy for better coverage in the event of an accident, disability, or severe illness at a low cost.

Why Choose a Term Insurance by Bharti AXA Life?

Here is why you should think about purchasing a Bharti AXA life term insurance policy :


  • A High Rate of Claim Settlement

    The number of claims paid out versus the number of claims filed is known as the Claim Settlement Ratio. It is preferable to go with an insurer with a greater settlement ratio. This is because a greater ratio gives you more confidence that your claim will be authorised when you need it. The claim settlement ratio of Bharti AXA Life is among the finest in the country.

  • Outstanding Customer Service

    What can be more relaxing than realising that your insurer is committed to making your experience as easy as possible? You may rest assured that your questions will be answered by the method of your choosing, which includes phone, email, and social media. You may make payments quickly and easily using a variety of online payment methods.

  • Longer Coverage

    Now is the perfect time to purchase life insurance. It will help you to receive life insurance with reasonable premiums for the term you want. You can opt for a term insurance policy by Bharti AXA Life covering up to the age of 85, and you can also receive whole life insurance up to the age of 99.

  • A Vast Array of Options

    Customers have varying requirements, and Bharti AXA Life Insurance recognises this and therefore offers multiple alternatives. Besides, there are a variety of riders available to supplement your term insurance coverage.

  • Befitting Policies as Per Your Financial Constraints

    Paying a term insurance premium can be challenging after paying your monthly rent, phone, & electricity expenses. The nominal premiums of Bharti AXA ensure that they fit within your budget.

What Should Be the Duration of a Term Life Insurance?

The duration of your term policy is just as crucial as the premium amount you pay. You pay a higher annual premium for a term insurance policy if the policy duration is long. If your policy duration is too low, you may find yourself sans coverage during a time when your family members will still require financial assistance. When buying a term policy in India, it is necessary to consider essential elements, including the term policy’s duration.


  • Consider your Main Goal :

    The key purpose of term life insurance is to assist your family in meeting their ongoing expenses & future needs while you are not there. As a result, the perfect duration of an online term policy should end when you have completed all of your life goals and have enough money set aside for retirement.

  • Decide on the Tenure :

    Buying term insurance plan early in life and opting for the longest coverage feasible is a sensible strategy. This assures that you benefit from the low premiums for the term policy's whole duration. For example, if you are 25 years old, you can choose a 40-year term, which means you will remain covered until you are 65. You would benefit from the affordable premium till the conclusion of the term in this situation.

However, when your income and lifestyle improve, you will need to periodically boost your term life insurance coverage to cover all of them, in addition to taking out loans. You must obtain sufficient life insurance coverage and guarantee that it remains such until your family requires it. It is your job to make sure your family is financially secure in the case of an emergency.

Term Insurance Claim Process

  • The first step involves informing us about your intention to file the claim. Then, get a hold of the claims to form that you can find both at our physical outlet and Bharti AXA Life’s online portal. The claims form will involve filling in details such as cause of death, name of the beneficiary, the location of the death, and personal details such as date of birth of the beneficiary, policy number and name of the beneficiary are some of the other aspects.


  • The next step involves arranging all the necessary documents that you will need to ensure that your claim goes through successfully. Some of the main documents that you need to keep handy if you are looking to file a claim include the death certificate pertaining to the deceased registered under the policy, age of the deceased, original copies of the policy document, ID proof of the beneficiary, and any medical reports/records of the beneficiary’s demise.


  • Once the claims form and the necessary documents are submitted, the claim will be processed within 30 days. However, in some cases, additional steps will be undertaken by the insurer. This is especially true in cases where claims are made within 3 years since the purchase of the policy, in place of which additional investigation is undertaken. This includes checking with the hospital where the deceased registered under the policy was admitted before his/her demise.


What are the Payout Options in Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance offers two payout options: lump-sum and periodic. With a lump-sum payout, the policyholder or their nominee receives the sum assured amount, bonuses, and loyalty additions in a single payment. This provides flexibility for investing or covering significant expenses. Periodic payouts involve receiving a portion of the benefits as a lump sum, with the remaining amount paid out in installments over a predetermined period. This option ensures a steady income stream for regular expenses.


  • Lump-Sum Payout

    In this, the sum assured amount as maturity or death benefits are paid out to the life assured or their nominee/beneficiary as a single payment. This lump sum payout might also consist of bonuses and loyalty additions depending on the policy chosen. One-time payments make sure that the policyholder or their nominee gets a substantial amount of money in one transaction so that they can select to invest in other instruments or utilize it for fulfilling some big expenses such as repayment of debts, college fees, housing loans, down payments etc.

  • Periodic Payout

    In periodic life insurance payouts, one part of the maturity/death benefits are payable as a lump sum amount, while the remaining benefits might be converted to instalments. These are paid by the insurance company over the term of a pre-determined period in accordance with the policy chosen. In this manner, the policyholder or their nominee can benefit from a steady flow of income that can help meet the periodic regular expenses such as utility bills, rent, or EMI payments.

How to Calculate Term Insurance Premium?

When buying a term insurance premium, it is important to know the amount of premium to be paid to continue availing of the benefits. Policy buyers can use the term insurance calculator to get the approximate premium rate of the policy. The rate of premium can be evaluated according to the chosen policy and the details of the applicant. Generally, the rate of premium for young insurance buyers is less as compared to someone above the age of 50.


Apart from this, several factors affect the rate of premium. Firstly, the term insurance policy buyer needs to fill in the information regarding their personal and medical details and their choice of policies and add-ons. This includes the age and gender of the applicant, name of the policy, premium payment frequency, sum assured, tenure, date of birth of the applicant, rider, and proposer’s name. The applicant will receive the approximate premium amount calculated by the term policy calculator by adding these details. It is vital to consider your family’s and your own insurance requirements, your coverage amount, age and gender, and occupation before finalising the appropriate term policy.

What is an Insurance Rider?


Key Benefits

Bharti AXA Life Accidental Total and Permanent Disability Rider

Prepare yourself for any uncertainty due to accidents with Bharti AXA Life Accidental Total and Permanent Disability Rider.

Bharti AXA Life Premium Waiver Rider

Bharti AXA Life Premium Waiver Rider Bharti AXA Life Premium Waiver Rider provides you with additional protection that waives off your future premiums, in case you are faced with an unfortunate and sudden event like critical illness, permanent disability or death. Therefore, your benefits under the base policy continue as is.

Bharti AXA Life Hospi Cash Benefit Rider

A health insurance rider that offers you a fixed amount benefit for each day of hospitalisation. It also offers a fixed amount benefit if you are admitted in an Intensive Unit Care or a lump sum benefit in case of surgery.

Bharti AXA Life Accidental Death Benefit Rider

This non-linked and regular pay insurance rider provides 100% Sum Assured in case of death of the Life Insured due to an accident, subject to the rider policy being in-force.

Importance of Term Insurance in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

People of all ages and walks of life have become more observant and careful. This increased knowledge has been particularly noticeable in India's insurance industry. People have been wondering about term insurance and risk protection.

In current difficult circumstances, a term insurance plan is not only beneficial but has also become a requirement.

Documents Required for Term Insurance

S. No

Document Type



Age Proof

Birth Certificate, 10th /12th Mark sheet, and Passport. – any one of the following


Identity Proof

Aadhaar card, Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID – anyone of the following


Income Proof

Proof of income showing the income of the buyer of the insurance.


Address Proof

Telephone bill, Electricity bill, Ration card, Passport, Driving License – anyone of the following


Proposal Form

Proposal form filled by the policyholder

Term Insurance – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much term insurance cover do you need?

A term insurance cover must generally be 15-20 times of your annual income. The expert recommended formula for this is that if your annual income is Rs. 6 lakhs, you must purchase a cover for minimum Rs. 90 lakhs to Rs. 1.20 crore.

How much should be the Term Insurance policy period?

Term insurance policy period must be decided by considering and assessing your individual and familial situation and requirements, including your age and health, family members’ age and health conditions, liabilities, assets, future goals, etc.

What should be the tenure of a term plan?

The tenure of the term plan must be decided by considering and assessing your individual and familial situation and requirements, including your age and health, your family members’ age and health conditions, liabilities, assets, future goals, etc.

Factors Impacting Term Plan Premium

Term Insurance

A basic insurance plan which provides a lump sum amount to the family of the person who is insured in case of his/her unfortunate death.

Term Life Insurance

A form of life insurance which provides coverage for a specified period of time and does not build cash value.

Sum Assured

Sum assured is the amount that an insurer agrees to pay on the occurrence of a stated contingency (eg: Death).

Rider Premium

It is the additional cost that has to be paid to attach a rider with a base Insurance Plan.

Deposit Term Insurance

This is a form of term insurance, not really involving a "deposit," but one in which the first-year premium is more than subsequent premiums.

Whole Life Plan

A life insurance plan which provides a cover for your entire life time. Such plans are used to accumulate and pass on the wealth from one generation to another as legacy in a tax efficient manner.

*Tax benefits are in accordance to latest tax laws that are subject to change from time to time.

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale
Note: Riders are optional and available at an additional cost
Note: Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time

• IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.

#For 30 Year Old Male, Endowment Plan Option, online purchase of policy excluding underwriting extra premium & GST.