Wondering which Type of Life Insurance is Best for You?

Wondering which Type of Life Insurance is Best for You?

The most modest and basic type of life insurance is the term insurance plan. It guarantees the payout of a sum assured in the policyholder's demise within the policy tenure. If the insured survives till the end of the policy term, his coverage will end, and he will get no payment. Besides, we all are aware that unforeseen things occur every day and a serious illness might strike at any time in your life. It is tough to cover the expensive medical costs during certain instances. Furthermore, if you are the family's sole earner and if you are not in a situation to work due to your illness, results in a financial crunch. Therefore, it is recommended that you purchase critical illness riders in a term plan to protect yourself against such catastrophes.

If you are diagnosed with one of the conditions listed in the insurance policy's pre-agreed list, you will get a lump sum payment under a term plan with critical illness benefit rider. Conditions such as heart failure, cancer, paralysis, heart attack, and lung illnesses fall under critical illness benefit riders list. Although critical illness rider life insurance is accessible as an independent policy, it is most commonly purchased as critical illness riders in a term plan.

What are Riders?

Riders are optional features that let you tailor your insurance to your specific needs. They are less expensive than life insurance. They provide coverage in addition to what your insurance policy provides. The fee is usually between 5% and 10% of the base policy. Riders should ideally be purchased at the start of the coverage. The sooner they are booked, the less expensive they will be. The amount paid for a rider cannot exceed 30% of the premium paid for the base insurance policy.

Many people choose it because of the significant advantages of a term insurance plan with critical illness riders. Here are few of reason that will help you to enhance your plan by providing you with benefits of riders in insurance.

1. Tax benefits

Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961 allows premiums paid toward a term plan to be tax-deductible. As a result, you can deduct up to INR 1.5 lakh in premium payments from your taxable income. Furthermore, the benefits obtained from this plan are tax-free under Section 10 (10D) and Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

2. Premium remains same throughout the Policy Tenure

The premium for term insurance with critical illness benefit remains the same during the policy term once you've applied. This means that once you've been diagnosed with a serious disease, your premium won't go up.

Family is an important asset for everyone. This is why, to secure our family financially, we must always opt for a perfect life insurance plan. Life insurance helps act as a strong support for the family in case any critical situations arrive.

Life insurance is the best policy when an individual is planning to provide financial support to their family. It brings in multiple benefits for families by ensuring their income at times of need. There are different types of insurance plans available today.

Type of Life Insurance

  • Whole life insurance - This policy provides complete life coverage. It pays the complete sum assured to the nominee.
  • Term life insurance - Term life insurance are policies where the insurer pays an assured death benefit to named beneficiaries, usually family, in the event of death of the policyholder during the policy tenure.
  • Endowment policies - This is a saving and protection policy that promises to pay a sum assured to the nominee in case of unforeseen situation or the lumpsum amount to the policyholder at maturity.
  • Money Back policies - This policy also brings in a combined benefit of protection and saving. It pays a portion of the total sum assured at regular interval and remaining amount with bonus at maturity. If an unforeseen situation arises, it pays a sum assured to the nominee.

Benefits of Life Insurance Policy

When an individual wishes to secure his family in terms of finance, obtaining ife insurance is a must. The multiple benefits of life insurance make it so widely chosen. Some of the benefits are :

  • Tax Benefits - Life insurance policy is a suitable choice to acquire tax benefits. The premiums that an individual pays for life insurance can are often exempted from tax as per prevailing tax laws.
  • Whole life Coverage - Different types of life insurance policy offer different benefits, some of which bring in a coverage of lifetime.
  • Critical illness Coverage - Many life insurance policies also cover the cost of critical illness. Major diseases often cost much and obtaining life insurance helps cope with this cost easily.
  • Income needs - Life insurance also acts as a monthly income for family in case of any unforeseen situations.

Types of life insurance by Bharti AXA

There are several benefits of a life insurance plan and to provide all these benefits, Bharti AXA Life provides different types of life insurance plans. The list of those plans is :

  • Bharti AXA Life Premier Protect Plan - This is a plan that can be customized and ensures to provide protection to family in case of emergency situations. Other than providing financial support, this plan also brings in an option to increase the protection amount at different life stages.
  • Bharti AXA Life Shining Stars Plan - This is a plan crafted to ensure a better future for your children. An individual can obtain this plan to ensure coverage of various future expenses of their child such as education costs, marriage etc. in case of unfortunate conditions.
  • Bharti AXA Life Income Protection Plan - In this plan, policyholders can arrange regular and annual income for their family in case of their demise. This income term ranges from 15 to 20 years. In case of survival till maturity, the policyholder gets return of all premiums paid.
  • Bharti AXA Life POS Saral Bachat Yojana - This is an easy to obtain life insurance plan which helps in providing a financial backup to the family in times of needs. By providing flexible choices in policy terms as well as premium terms, it facilitates saving through maturity benefits.

Life insurance plans bring in multiple benefits for an individual and if one wishes to secure a family financially, it is a must to opt for a life insurance policy. Many companies provide different types of life insurance policies, it is an individual personal choice to choose the best among so many available options.

One must wisely choose best type of life insurance from so many available choices. Always know the needs and requirements before finalizing any plan as a life insurance. The decision may be based on several criteria such as age, income, family size, risk factor, medical conditions, premiums etc.

3. Coverage of medical expenses

Healthcare costs in India are increasing by the day. Given the ever-increasing cost of medical expenses, it only becomes necessary that you are adequately covered through an insurance plan to avoid burning a hole in your pocket. Opting for a critical illness rider with your insurance policy helps you cover large parts of the medical expenses. Besides, the lump sum amount provided by the insurer may be used to cover daily expenses as well.

4. Increased chances of survival

Significant medical expenditures will financially strain you if you do not have insurance. Individuals with serious illnesses frequently do not receive treatment owing to a lack of funding. The odds of mortality increase if appropriate therapy is not provided. However, if you have a critical illness rider benefit plan in place, you may be able to get cash on time to receive the treatment you require, enhancing your survival chances.

The real benefit of life-long protection plans is that all future premiums are cancelled upon diagnosing any serious condition. Cancer of specified severity, major aorta surgery, open heart replacement or repair of heart valves, open-chest CABG, end-stage liver disease, end-stage lung disease, loss of limbs, major head trauma, benign brain tumour, third-degree burns, and permanent paralysis of the limbs are just a few of the critical illness riders covered under these options.

As a result, you might want to consider a critical illness rider life insurance, which will protect you at the time of a critical illness. Adding a critical illness rider to your online term insurance policy provides additional security and safeguards your future in the occurrence of a serious illness.


Life insurance coverage is available

Bharti AXA Life Insurance is the name of the Company and Bharti AXA Life Premier Protect is only the name of the Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan and does not in any way represent or indicate the quality of the policy or its future prospects. UIN: 130N096V03

Bharti AXA Life Insurance is the name of the Company and Bharti AXA Shining Stars is only the name of the Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan and does not in any way represent or indicate the quality of the policy or its future prospects. UIN: 130N095V03

Bharti AXA Life Insurance is the name of the Company and Bharti AXA Life Income Protection Plan is only the name of the Non-Linked, Non- Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan and does not in any way represent or indicate the quality of the policy or its future prospects. UIN: 130N071V03

Bharti AXA Life Insurance is the name of the Company and Bharti AXA Life POS Saral Bachat Yojana is only the name of the non- linked, non- participating, individual, life- insurance savings plan and does not in any way represent or indicate the quality of the policy or its future prospects. UIN: 130N090V02

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale

Tax benefits are as per Income Tax Act, 1961 and subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time

Advt no- II-Aug-2021-3132