What's Cancer Insurance and Why Should You Invest in it?

Health Insurance

We do not know what the future holds for us. Unforeseen and unfortunate mishaps often knock on our doors without any prior warnings. Critical health diseases such as cancer are among the most traumatic diseases today. It leaves a person and his loved ones both emotionally and financially drained. Owing to its criticality, the cost of treating cancer is very highly.

To ensure that you and your family do not face any financial constraint in such a case, it is essential to be financially backed up. We often invest in a health insurance plan and assume that we do not need to separately invest in a cancer insurance policy. However, let us tell you that investing in a health insurance plan is just not enough for financially backing you up if you get detected with cancer. Investing in a cancer insurance policy is one of the best ways to financially secure yourself and your loved ones and make sure that treating cancer does not financially drain you in future.

Let us look at a few of the statistics of cancer.

Statistics of Cancer in India

According to National Cancer Registry Programme, India:

  • It is estimated that there will be a substantial rise in the number of cancer cases in the coming years.
  • The most common types of cancer that affect people in India are – lung cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer, etc.
  • Major causes of cancer include smoking, heavy drinking, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, obesity, air pollution, etc.

Today, various cancer insurance policies are available for you to choose from. Therefore, you need to choose the cancer insurance policy that suits you and your loved ones the best.

What is a Cancer Insurance Policy?

A cancer insurance policy is a type of health insurance policy that provides financial security to you and your loved ones upon a cancer diagnosis. It provides you with a certain amount of money if you get detected with cancer. Critical diseases like cancer can indeed be both financially and emotionally draining. Investing in a cancer insurance policy ensures that you do not face any financial hassle and are able to go for its treatment without having to think twice. The policyholder has to pay a certain amount of premiums to the insurance provider and in return, he can enjoy the policy's benefits.

Your cancer insurance policy will cover everything, ranging from hospitalisation charges to medical bills to chemotherapy. As a result, you will not have to worry and will be at peace of mind when it comes to financial availability for treating cancer. Investing in a cancer insurance policy should be a priority today, as not only the treatment can financially drain you, but it can also make you fall into the vicious cycle of a debt trap.

Still wondering, why you should invest in a cancer insurance policy today? Below are some of the key reasons for investing in a cancer insurance policy :

1. Medical Cost is Increasing Day by Day

The cost of living is increasing day by day. The cost of medical treatment has also skyrocketed in the past few years. Moreover, cancer treatment is one of the costliest treatments. The cost of chemotherapy, hospital charges, medicines, etc., is highly expensive. It can not only drain you financially, but you might also fall into the debt trap. Investing in a cancer insurance policy will provide a financial backup to you and your loved ones and ensure that you do not face any hassle while getting your cancer treated and can also go for the best cancer treatment without thinking twice.

2. Financial Security

Investing in a cancer insurance policy provides you and your loved ones with financial security and ensure that you do not face any financial hassle in cancer treatment in future.

3. Family History of Cancer

One of the key reasons you should invest in a cancer insurance policy is if you have a family history of cancer. There are increased chances of you getting diagnosed with cancer in such a case. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in a cancer insurance policy to ensure that you are on the safe side and do not face any inconvenience later in life.

4. Lump-Sum Cash Benefits

Investing in a cancer insurance policy provides you with lump sum cash benefits when diagnosed with cancer. It thus helps you meet your financial requirements in such daunting times.

5. Tax Benefits

The premiums you pay for a cancer insurance policy are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. However, tax laws are subject to change from time to time.

6. Cancer Insurance Policy Cover All Types of Cancer

The most common types of cancer in India are lung cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, etc. A cancer insurance policy covers all types of cancer. This is one of the key reasons you should invest in a cancer insurance policy.

Our Intake

Investing in a cancer insurance policy is one of the best ways to save yourself from financial drainage if you get diagnosed with cancer. Moreover, you can seamlessly get your cancer treatment done without having to worry if the treatment will empty your bank accounts.


*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time
The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale.
Make responsible financial decisions. Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.

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