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Bharti AXA Life
Group Suraksha

One Year Renewable Term Group Insurance Product

(UIN: 130N008V02)(ADVT No. II-Jul-2022-4102)
One Year Renewable Term Group Insurance Product

#LowCost #ProtectYourGroupMembers

Why Choose Bharti AXA Life Group Suraksha?

A simple, low cost, one-year renewable group term product designed for co-operatives, institutions and NGO’s operating in rural and social sectors.

  • Protect Families of Group Members

    Sum Assured is payable by the Company to the beneficiary on death of the Life Insured.

  • Ease of Buying

    No requirement for medical underwriting.

  • Sum Assured Options

    Choose sum assured from ₹ 5,000 up to ₹ 25,000 as per the group’s requirement.

  • Multiple Premium Payment Modes

    Option of paying premium in annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly modes.

Key Benefits

Hassle Free

Multiple Premium Payment Modes


How Does the Product Work?



Eligibility Criteria

Minimum age at entry

18 years

Maximum age at entry

54 years

Maximum cover ceasing age

55 years

Policy Benefit Period

1 year

Minimum Size of Group

15 members

Sum Assured

Rs. 5,000 to 25,000

Premium Paying Modes

Annual, Semi Annual, Quarterly, Monthly


*Through ECS only

Insurance Jargon Explained

Sum Assured

Sum assured is the amount that an insurer agrees to pay on the occurrence of a stated contingency (eg: Death).


The payment, or one of the regular periodic payments, that a policyholder makes to an insurer in exchange for the insurer's obligation to pay benefits upon the occurrence of the contractually-specified contingency (e.g., death).

Death Benefit

The payment made to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured person.

-- Whenever an unfortunate event happens, there is both emotional as well as financial loss. An insurance company helps you replace the financial/monetary loss through the Death Benefit, which helps maintain your family’s financial stability. This benefit includes both a guaranteed sum of money called as Sum Assured on Death and also the Accrued Bonuses, if applicable.


A provision attached to a policy that adds benefits not available in the original policy or that changes the original policy.

Riders help the Policyholder in enhancing the insurance product to meet specific needs by adding protection benefits to the basic Insurance Plan at a lower additional cost. For example, Bharti AXA Life Hospi cash rider provides fixed per day cash benefit to the Policyholder for each day of hospitalisation, thus providing benefits of a health plan along with base Life Insurance plan.