General Queries

If I have an existing term plan cover with another company, can I still purchase a term plan from Bharti Axa Life Insurance?

Yes, you can purchase a term plan with Bharti AXA Life Insurance if you already have a term plan from other insurance provider. However, you need to disclose your income and existing insurance cover details in corresponding sections while applying for the term cover under Bharti AXA Life Insurance. Based on underwriting decision, the request for the cover will either be accepted, accepted with certain conditions or declined.

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a contract between an insurer and a policy owner. A life insurance policy guarantees the insurer pays a sum of money to named beneficiaries when the insured dies in exchange for the premiums paid by the policyholder during their lifetime. Life insurance is a key investment, especially in uncertain circumstances, like the present. Life insurance policies work in three stages :


  • Purchasing a life insurance policy

    Buy the best life insurance policy that offers flexibility of benefits. Other factors to consider are plan tenure, premium, riders, and, most importantly, the reason you are buying life insurance.

  • Premium payment

    It is advisable to choose a premium that you can easily pay on time. As per the life insurance contract, the insurers promise to pay a pre-decided amount to you (policy holder) or your nominee, provided all premiums have been paid. All benefits then are based on timely premium payment.

  • Filing a claim

    The last stage of a life insurance plan is related to filing for a claim to get insurance benefits.

    In case of your unfortunate demise, your nominee will be eligible for the sum assured as defined in the contract. To get it, the nominee has to submit a claim form along with various documents. Upon verification of claim, the insurance company releases the benefit to the nominee.

    For life insurance plans with a return of premium, a total of all premiums is paid back if the insured survives the policy term, which can be a great financial aid in the short or long term.


What are the benefits of buying life insurance?

Life insurance offers three major benefits.

  • Protection
    Life is full of uncertainties; investing in a life insurance plan provides a safety net. Your insurance provider is liable to pay your beneficiary or nominee the pre-determined death benefit, thus keeping your family protected even in your absence.

  • Long-term savings
    It is important to consider life insurance if you are seeking to make long-term savings. The suitable product helps you to save systematically and build a corpus for your future; its accumulated amount may be used for your life goals. What’s more, savings life insurance plans also offer regular pay-outs in the form of annuities, and are therefore, an excellent tool to finance your retirement goals.

  • Investment
    Unit-Linked Investment Plans (ULIPs) offered by life insurance providers are primarily investment instruments. These market-linked products create wealth. ULIPs have the potential offer significant returns on premiums paid towards the insurance policy. Most plans provide considerable returns during maturity, thus making them an attractive investment vehicle.*

    Besides this, life insurance plans offer a host of other benefits, like tax deductions under Section 10, 80C, and 80CCC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 on the premium paid. You may also borrow a loan against your insurance plan if needed. However, tax benefits are as per provisions of the Income Tax Act and are subject to change.

    Life insurance plans provide financial support to you and your family. Buying an insurance policy also inculcates the habit of disciplined savings.

*IN ULIP POLICIES, THE INVESTMENT RISK IN INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO IS BORNE BY THE POLICYHOLDER. The premium paid in Unit Linked Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions.

Why consider Bharti AXA Life Insurance?

You should definitely consider getting an insurance policy from Bharti AXA Life as we provide flexible products. You can easily change your coverage limits and include riders with your insurance policy in minutes. You can access your account anytime from anywhere. With an impressive claim settlement ratio and dedicated claim handler for the policyholder, our claim settlement process is seamless.

What is MWPA?

MWPA is the Married Women Property Act of 1874 that entails that if a married man, including a divorcee or a widower, buys life insurance with the MWP addendum, the insurance benefits upon maturity or death are the sole property of the nominated beneficiaries (wife, or of his wife and children) and no one else. Even the policyholder does not have any right over these benefits.

The entire sum is treated as separate fund from the policyholder's estate and hence, these benefits cannot be used for repayment of debt or loan or form part of joint family property, in case of the untimely death of the policyholder.

Where can I get the list of diagnostic / medical centres?

The list is available with the medical service provider. When a customer receives a call for the arranging the medicals, they are given location options of a medical centre nearest and most convenient to them.

I am a self-employed person and do not work for any organisation. What details should be entered in employment section?

Please enter your Proprietorship/ Partnership & provide us the number of years for which you are active in your business. Giving correct details is very important.

Why is my smoking status required? I am not a habitual smoker?

The product offers special rates for a non-smoking person. Even if you are not a regular smoker or a casual smoker, please select the 'Smoker' status only.

What is meant by Physical Copy?

In case you wish to receive your application form by courier in a hard copy; you need to select this option – Physical Copy. We will send a PDF on your listed email ID & also along with the policy kit once we confirm your application with the company.

I am a Social Drinker. What details are required to be entered ?

Please select 'Yes' & provide details on the number of glasses of specific alcohol consumed per week.

What is the difference between policy holder, nominee and life assured?

The individual who purchased the life cover is the policyholder. 
The individual or people who will receive the death benefits which is the funds paid by the insurance company when the policyholder dies are the nominee/s.
Life assured is the individual whose life is covered by the life insurance company.

Is a nominee and beneficiary one and the same in life insurance?

The nominee is a person who is nominated or appointed by the policyholder to look after his/her financial accounts, assets, etc., after his death. It is the responsibility of the nominee to disburse the proceeds among the legal heirs.

A beneficiary is an individual who has a financial interest in the life of the policyholder. The beneficiary can be either the legal heirs or financial institutions like banks who have provided loan/ finance to the policyholder.

If any immediate family member (like spouse, children or parents) is made the nominee, then they will automatically become the beneficial owners of the claim benefits and be referred to as beneficiary in life insurance.

Can I make my child who is a minor the nominee or have multiple nominees?

If the nominee is a minor, you are required to share their appointee details with us. Additionally you can also appoint multiple nominees. 

Note: An appointee is the person to whom the proceeds/benefits secured under the Policy are payable if the benefit becomes payable to the nominee and the nominee is minor as on the date of claim payment.

Will my policy cover remain active if I shift abroad and become NRI?

Once you buy the policy, you stay covered whether you are in India or abroad.

Why do I need to provide my Mobile Number – I have registered for DND & don`t want to receive any calls?

Accurate mobile number is necessary for all our future communications. This includes pre and post login communication.

Policy Issuance

How can I track my proposal status?

If you have purchased the policy online through our website,you can track the proposal status by following below steps :

  • Visit our website https://www.bhartiaxa.com/
  • Click "Quick Links"→ Select' Resume/Track application
  • Enter the product name and quote no to check your policy status.

Alternatively, you can call us on our Customer Care No at 1800-102-4444 or SMS SERVICE at 56677 or Email us at service@bhartiaxa.com to know about for proposal status

What are the accepted supporting documents that can be submitted for Age, Identity and Address Proof?

When will I receive my policy documents?

  • Your policy document will be sent to your registered address within 15 working days from date of issuance.
  • The soft copy of your policy document will also be emailed to your registered email address after policy issuance.

I have an eIA account. When and how will I get my policy documents?

If you have opted for eIA,policy soft copy will be credited in your IR account post issuance. You will be communicated on credit of policy in e-IA account through SMS and email.

How can I get a duplicate copy of my policy document?

You can submit request for duplicate policy document by visiting any of our nearest branch.

To locate the nearest branch, click here https://www.bhartiaxa.com/contact-us

From where can I download my policy document soft copy?

Policy document soft copy can be downloaded using below options :

  • Through customer portal.Below are the steps to follow:

    I. Login to your online profile by clicking here.

    II. Click on the 'View profile' tab.Scroll down and click on "Policy Document" PDF to download the soft copy.

  • Send “Hi” to our WhatsApp number 02248815768.Our digital assistant will help you.
  • Email Us: You can send us an email request at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email ID. Do mention your policy number in the subject line.
  • Call Us: You can call us on 1800-102-4444 from Monday to Saturday, between 10am to 7pm.
  • Visit Branch: You can request for your policy document soft copy at any of our branches. To locate the nearest branch, click here

Can I change the policy term after purchasing the policy?

The policy term cannot be changed once the policy is issued.

Can I change the sum assured after purchasing the policy?

Sum assured in life insurance policies cannot be generally changed mid-term. If you are looking for an enhanced sum assured, you will have to either buy a new policy altogether or buy a supplementary cover.

Can I pay my initial premium by cash?

Cash payment for new policy purchase is not allowed. Exception in cash acceptance is allowed only for short premiums like counter offer up to Rs 5000/- towards new policy login.

When and how can I cancel my policy?

If you are not happy with the terms and conditions of the purchased policy,you can cancel the policy within the freelook period.

For policy cancellation request ,you need to visit any of our nearest branch and submit the "Payout Request" Form along with the policy document hard copy and Identity Proof.

Once all the required documents are received , branch will tag the "Freelook Request" for further processing.

Note : Freelook period for policies purchased is 30 days from date of receiving the policy hard copy.

Renewal Premium Payment

What are the options to pay my renewal premiums?

You can pay your premiums using the below options:

Online Payment

  • Click here to pay using ‘Quick Pay’ option on the website.
  • Pay using "Pay now" option available in our App and customer portal.


Pay using our WhatsApp service

  • Send ‘Hi’ on our WhatsApp number - 022 48815768



  • Scan the below QR Code


eNACH (Digital): By registering for eNach. You can click here to register on the website

ECS : Submit the physical ECS mandate at your nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch office

Cash Payment

  • For premium renewal payment, you have the option to pay in cash up to Rs. 1.99 lakh at any Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch office. Alternatively, payments via DD /Cheques are also accepted at our registered branch offices.

Note : eNACH is the electronic process of automated premium payment. Once the user signs the eNACH or electronic NACH form, he gives permission to the concerned authority to debit the premium amount from his bank at a pre-settled frequency. Please note that there is no need to submit additional documents for this process. Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) : Here, the policyholder submits a physical mandate through which he gives standing instructions to the insurance company to debit his bank account on the settlement date for payment of his premium.

What supporting documents are required to be submitted along with the ECS Mandate form?

Submit a personalized cancelled cheque along with the ECS mandate form.

However, please ensure the following :

  • The name of the customer, bank account number and IFSC Code entered in the mandate should match with the details printed on the cancelled cheque.
  • The signature entered on the mandate should be the same as updated in your registered bank account Alternatively, submit your latest 3 month's Bank Statement with your name and account details.

Note: A personalized cheque has important details like the individual's name, IFSC code and account number printed on it along with other bank account details.

Can I change my ECS debit date?

Yes, the ECS debit date can be changed on ‘DigiServe’. Follow these steps:

  • Click on ‘Services’
  • Select the ‘Change ECS Date’ option in Premium Related Services section
  • Enter details and press ‘confirm’

Alternatively, change the date by visiting your nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch office.
We only offer debit dates for ECS only between the 1st and 10th of every month. Therefore, your chosen date should fall between this date range.

Note: ECS debit date is the date/month on which the premium amount is debited as agreed by the customer and the insurance provider.

Can I deactivate ECS using the customer portal?

No. You can only deactivate the ECS payment service by visiting the nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch.

When can I change my premium mode?

You can change the premium mode if you are within your grace period from the policy anniversary date.

If you change the premium mode, then:

  • A fee will be levied on changing the premium mode
  • For monthly mode policies issued after January 2020, the grace period is capped at 15 days. For the remaining modes, the grace period stands at 30 days
  • For all policies issued prior to January 2020, the grace period is limited to 30 days

Note: In insurance policies where the term is more than 1 year, the policy effective date is considered as the policy anniversary date for the year that the policy is renewed.

How will I receive premium acknowledgement deposit receipt after making a payment?

Our customers will receive their premium acknowledgement deposit receipt:
Download the acknowledgement deposit receipt post making the payment from the final acknowledgment page on ‘DigiServe’.

  • Click on the ‘View policy details’
  • Click on "Payment Receipt" 
  • Download the receipt

Post payment, the deposit receipt is simultaneously sent to your registered email id

The deposit receipt can be sent on WhatsApp if you have opted-in for the service.

Note: Below are the various options for WhatsApp Opt-in

  • Send ‘Hi’ from your registered WhatsApp number to
  • +91 22 4881 5768. You will get a message for notification confirmation if not opted in. Click on yes and you will be opted in
  • Give a missed call on the no - 87509-60306 from your registered Mobile no
  • Scan the QR code from your registered Mobile no
  • You can log on to Website or Digiserve
  • Visit your nearest branch

How can I get a copy of Premium Paid Certificate?

Accessing premium certificate is very easy using below options:

  •  Premium Paid Certificate is uploaded on the customer portal prior to the due date. You can download it using the "Download" section on our customer portal.
  • You can visit any of our Bharti AXA Life branches to collect it. 
  • The premium paid certificate is triggered on WhatsApp if you have opted-in to receive notifications from Bharti AXA Life. Alternatively, you also send ‘Hi’ from your WhatsApp number to +91 22 4881 5768 to download it

What happens if I fail to pay my premiums on time?

If you fail to pay your premium within the grace period, the policy will lapse. 

Note: In life insurance, the grace period is the specific additional time you get after the premium due date is over to pay the premium and avoid policy lapse.

What is the grace period for a policy?

The grace period varies depending on when the policy was issued to you. 

  • For monthly mode policies issued after January 2020, the grace period is capped at 15 days. For the remaining modes, the grace period stands at 30 days
  • For all policies issued prior to January 2020, the grace period is limited to 30 days

Note: In life insurance, the grace period is the specific additional time you get after the premium due date is over to pay the premium and avoid policy lapse.

Will I get the policy benefits if my policy lapses?

No, you will lose the expected insurance benefits if your policy lapses.

Note: In life insurance, the grace period is the specific additional time you get after the premium due date is over to pay the premium and avoid policy lapse.

How can I reinstate my policy?

You can reinstate a lapsed policy.

For policy reinstatement on ‘DigiServe’, you need to fill out the DOGH and Covid Questionnaire as per guidelines. Basis the medical details entered in the above forms, if there is no medical raised, you can pay the premium dues and reinstate the policy online.

However, if there is a medical raised, you will need to undergo the medicals. Basis the medical report, the revised premium amount is generated which needs to be paid by visiting your nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch office along with the required documents.

An interest of 7.15% on the outstanding premium dues will be charged during the reinstatement process. (Except for Guaranteed Wealth Pro). For Guaranteed Wealth Pro ,the rate is 8.65% .  Other policy terms and conditions may apply.

Note: If a policyholder fails to pay the premium, the insurance policy lapses after a certain time period. However, the insurance coverage can be renewed (conditions applied). This process of activating the insurance policy back after a lapse is known as policy reinstatement.
The interest rates mentioned are without GST.

Within what duration can I reinstate my policy after it lapses?

If your policy was issued after January 2020, the reinstatement period applicable is:

  • For Non-ULIP plans, it is 5 years from the last premium due date
  • For ULIP plans, it is 3 years from the last premium due date

Policies issued prior to January 2020; it is product specific. Please read the policy document for more information. 

What are the ways in which I can repay my loan?

You can repay loan by login to our customer portal - ‘DigiServe’.

  • Click on the ‘Services’ option
  • Go to Service Request Section
  • Click on ‘Loan Repayment’
  • Enter your Policy Number to proceed

Alternatively, visit our nearest branch office to repay the loan taken against your policy.

Digital Services

What are the services available for me on the Bharti AXA Life Insurance website?

Below are the key services available :

Pay Premium :

  • Premiums can be paid online via the Quick Pay option on the website. Click here
  • Alternative online payment gateways are also available on the website
  • You can also register for eNACH: Please Click here

Submit 'Claim request' :

Click on the 'Quick link' option

  • Go to Claim Centre to register Claims
  • Upload the necessary documents

For rest of the services for an existing policy, you would need to login with your credentials on DigiServe platform or use our WhatsApp services

Note: eNACH is the electronic process of automated premium payment. Once the user signs the eNACH or electronic NACH form, he gives permission to the concerned authority to debit the premium amount from his bank at a pre-settled frequency. Please note that there is no need to submit any additional documents for eNACH registration.

Where can I check the ‘Bonus History’ for various Bharti AXA Life Insurance products on the website?

Bonus History can be viewed for various products via link. Click here.

Please go to "Key Services " option after landing on the above link 

How can I login to Bharti AXA Life Insurance Customer Portal (also known as DigiServe)?

Click here to access the DigiServe, our dedicated Customer Portal. At the time of login, you will see the following options: 

Option 1: Enter Mobile no and DOB with OTP

Option 2: Click on 'Try another way'

If you choose option 2, you will need to insert the following information:

  • Policy Number with TPIN and OTP option

Note: An OTP is triggered to both your registered mobile no and email id.
TPIN is a 4 digit number. For first times users, the 4 digit TPIN needs to be generated and validated via an OTP

What is a TPIN?

A TPIN is a ‘Transactional Personal Identification Number’ that is unique to each of our policyholders. The TPIN can be used by our policyholder to view his or her account information / statement on the website or on select channels.

If you forget the TPIN, you can login with the Policy Number & OTP option → Go to 'Manage TPIN' and then reset your TPIN.

How can I download the app?

Click here to download our Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App

What are the services available for me on the customer portal – ‘DigiServe’?

DigiServe offers wide range of digital services such as :

  • Fund switch
  • Pay premium
  • Mode and method change
  • Top up premium
  • Demographic changes
  • Update Bank Account for NEFT Update
  • Loan repayment
  • Download statements
  • Change of ECS date
  • Premium Redirection
  • Nominee change

Note: It should be noted that the NEFT update is mandatory for all payouts. You can update account details on the customer portal by :

  • Click here to login to customer portal- 'DigiServe'
  • Click on ‘Services’ on the top right
  • Select ‘Updation of bank a/c details’ option to proceed

Where can I view the status of my service request placed on the customer portal ‘DigiServe’?

Status of service request can be viewed on ‘DigiServe’ under the ‘Track Service Request’ option. 

Can I download the soft copy of my policy contract from the customer portal?

Yes, its very easy to download soft copy of policy contract from customer portal.
Click on the " View Policy Details " option on the dashboard page.

Note: It should be noted that the policy contract will be available for download only for 2 years from the date of your policy issuance.

What type of Statements can be downloaded from the customer portal ‘DigiServe’ and App?

Our customers can download the following statements from DigiServe :

  • Premium paid certificate [Year-wise]
  • Fund Statement
  • Portfolio summary
  • Bonus letter [ Available only for last financial year]

Note: Premium Paid Certificate is a document that displays the total premium that you have paid for all your policies in a specific financial year. You can use this document as investment proof for tax filing.

Where can I find the branch location on the website?

Yes, branch locations are available on the website.

  • Click here
  • Click on the 'Contact Us' option
  • Click on Branch Locator to locate your nearest branch

How can I use the Bharti AXA Life Insurance WhatsApp service?

Follow these simple steps to use our WhatsApp service:

  • Send ‘Hi’ on our WhatsApp number - 022 48815768
  • You can also click on the QR code

What are the services available on the Bharti AXA Life Insurance WhatsApp platform?

The following services can be accessed from the Bharti AXA Life WhatsApp platform :

  • Pay premium
  • Download statements
  • Demographic changes
  • Register for E-Nach
  • Download forms
  • Funds switch
  • Mode and method change
  • Branch locator
  • Check Service request status

How can I opt-in for Bharti AXA Life Insurance WhatsApp notifications?

Here are the various ways in which you can connect on WhatsApp with us:

  • Send ‘Hi’ from your registered mobile number to +91 22 4881 5768. You will get a message for notification confirmation if have not previously opted in for it. Click on ‘yes’ and which will automatically opt you in for notifications
  • Give a missed call on this number - 87509-60306 from your registered mobile number
  • Scan the QR code from your registered mobile number
  • You can log on to the Bharti AXA Life Insurance website or our customer portal ‘DigiServe’
  • Visit your nearest Bharti AXA Life branch office

What are the services and benefits for me incase I choose the WhatsApp opt-in?

By opting in to receive WhatsApp notifications you can always stay on top of the latest Bharti AXA Life updates on your registered mobile number.

In addition to receiving the latest updates, our customers will also receive important information on new product launches, offers, reminders and much more. 

Can I use the Bharti AXA Life Insurance WhatsApp service also from an unregistered number?

Yes, customers can use an unregistered mobile number to use our WhatsApp service. Enter the OTP triggered from your registered mobile number to log in. 

Refunds and Payouts

How will I receive my pay-outs?

For all customers who have updated their account details with us, payout is done through NEFT provided the penny testing verification for bank account detail is successful.

Penny Drop Testing or Bank account verification is commonly referred to a way to verify the authenticity of a user’s Bank Account. This is achieved by depositing a small amount (usually a penny and hence the name) – usually INR 1 (one rupee) in the Indian context – which returns the validated bank details along with the account holder's name.

How can I update my account details for NEFT payout?

Below are the easy ways to update your bank account details

  • Follow the below steps
    1. Login to portal through the below link
    2. Click on "Services"
    3. Select "Updation of bank a/c details" option
    4. Enter the Account details
    5. Select & upload the supporting document
    6. Click on "Update"
  • Email to Service id
    1. Send email to service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered mail id.
    2. Attach below mentioned supporting documents(any one):
    I. Scanned copy of Personalized Cancelled cheque with account holder name,bank account number and IFSC code clearly visible.
    II. Latest printed Bank statement/printed pass book copy with account holder name,bank account number and IFSC code clearly visible.
    3. Attach the filled in scanned copy of NEFT form. Click here to download.
  • Send "Hi" to our WhatsApp number 02248815768. Our digital assistant will help you.
  • Visit any of our nearest branch. Locate the nearest branch here

What are the accepted supporting documents required for Account details update for NEFT payout?

You may submit any one of the below mentioned documenets

  • Personalized Cancelled Cheque Copy
  • Printed Bank Statement / Pass book Copy.

The proof must have the policy holders name, account no and IFSC Code clearly mentioned.

How can I check if my account details are updated?

Below are the options to check your refund details

  • Through our customer portal by following below steps

    I. Login to DigiServe through the below link

    II. Click on "Service Request History" in Services section to request status

  • Send email to service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered mail id.
  • Call Us on our toll free number 1800-102-4444 from Monday to Saturday, between 10am to 7pm.

Will I get survival benefits under my life insurance policy?

Survival Benefit depends on the type of insurance policy you have purchased.
If the policy purchased has survival benefit, the amount will paid to you as per product benefits/specifics provided all premiums are paid till date.

Will I get survival benefits if my policy is in "Reduced Paid Up" status

Survival Benefits will be paid as per policy terms and condition. Please refer your policy document for more details.

Where can I check my Refund payout details ?

Below are the options to check your refund details

  • Through our customer portal by following below steps

    I. Login to DigiServe through the below link

    II. Go to "Refunds and Payouts" section to check details

  • Send email to service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered mail id.
  • Call Us on our toll free number 1800-102-4444 from Monday to Saturday, between 10am to 7pm.

Will I get a maturity benefit under my life insurance policy?

Maturity Benefit depends on the type of insurance policy that you have purchased. If the policy purchased has the maturity benefit feature, the amount will be paid to you once the policy has reached its expiration date.

To avail of the maturity benefit payout, it is important that you update your latest bank account details on your policy prior to its maturity. This is a requirement so that all payouts can be made directly into your bank account. Log in to the customer portal to update your bank account information instantly.

Note: Maturity benefit is a lump-sum payment made by the insurance provider when the policy has reached its expiration date.

What is a policy's maturity date and when will I get my maturity benefit payout?

The date on which your life insurance policy matures, i.e., reaches the expiration date is known as the maturity date of the policy. You will receive maturity benefit within 7 days after maturity of the policy.

For example, if you have taken a savings plan for 10 years in 2022. Then after the 10th year, that is 2032, your policy will cease to exist, and you will receive the maturity benefit payout.

What is the Vesting benefit on pension policies?

Pension policies come with vesting benefits. Therefore, the policyholder will be able to utilise the entire Policy Fund Value to purchase the annuity product from another insurer (Open Market Option).

Alternatively, the policyholder can utilise at least 2/3rd value of the Policy Fund Value to purchase the annuity product from another insurer (Open Market Option) and withdraw the balance amount.

Note: You need to submit the Pension Payout declaration, personalized cancelled cheque/ clear copy of your bank statement and KYC documents at your nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch office for processing the benefit on the Pension Policy.

Where can I check my Unclaimed refund amount details ?

To check your policy's "unclaimed amount" on our website, Click here

Enter the policy details to check the details.

What is meant by policy surrender?

Surrendering means terminating the policy before the policy term. Surrender amount is calculated basis the premium amount paid and sum assured. On policy surrender, the life insurance cover ends and all policy benefits stop.Therefore to avail all policy benefits, it is adviced to continue with the policy.

When can I surrender my policy?

Policy can be surrendered only after completion of the lock-in period.

Note : Lock in period depends on the type of policy purchased.Please refer your policy document for more details.

How can I surrender the policy?

You need to visit any of our nearest branch to place surrender request.Below documents will be required to be submitted.

  • Surrender Request Form
  • Orginal policy document
  • Click to check List of Accepted documents.
  • Back Account Proof for surrender refund credit through NEFT.You can submit any one of below proofs.

    I. Personalized Cancelled Cheque Copy.

    II. Printed Bank Statement / Pass book Copy.

The proof must have the policy holders name , bank account no and IFSC Code clearly mentioned.

Note : Policy surrender option is not available online currently.


Where can I report a Claim?

To report a claims, please visit the nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch with the required documents.
Click here to locate your nearest branch.

What documents are required for processing a claim?

Mandatory documents that are required to be submitted in case of natural death are as follows:

  • Original Policy Bond (Indemnity bond from the claimant in case original is not available)
  • Original/ Self attested copy of death certificate issued by Local Municipal Authority
  • Life Assured (deceased) KYC
  • Copy of nominee PAN card / Form 60 (if PAN Card not available)
  • Nominee KYC (Identity and Address proof)
  • Nominee bank account details
  • Duly filled claim form

Additional documents (needed for specific scenarios):

  • Medical / Hospitalization Documents (in case of non-accidental death)
  • Copy of FIR, Post-mortem report (in case of accidental death / suicide / murder)

By when can I report a claim to Bharti AXA Life Insurance?

It is recommended that you raise the claim request with us as soon as possible by visiting your nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch.

When and how is a claim settled?

Claims decision is communicated within 30 days from the receipt of all necessary documents / clarifications. In case the claim request requires further verification, it may take up to 120 days to settle the claim.

Under what scenarios, can claim requests be rejected?

Although rare, claim requests can be rejected under the following circumstances:

  • Non-Disclosure of medical adversities
  • Incorrect disclosure of Age
  • Incorrect disclosure of occupation/income
  • Non –disclosure of previous insurance
  • Fraud
  • Falling under the purview of exclusion as per Policy Terms & Conditions

How are the claim payouts made to nominee?

Claims payout is done online via NEFT.

The nominee is required to email the below documents to lifeclaims@bhartiaxa.com for receciving the payout through NEFT
1. Nominee's KYC documents (Identity and Address proof)
2. Scanned copy of any one of the below bank account proofs of the nominee:

  • Personalized cancelled cheque
  • Printed copy of Bank statement or Passbook


Frequently used Policy Services

How can I update my bank account details for NEFT Payout?

Receive your policy payouts digitally through NEFT, and meet your financial goals. Update your bank details anytime, anywhere on Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App. Click here to download the app NOW!
Below are the alternate options to update your bank details with us:

  • Customer Portal
  • Send “Hi” to 022-48815768 to update bank details using our WhatsApp services
  • Email us at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email address
  • Visit nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch. Click here to locate nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch

Note : Click here to download policy servicing forms.


How can I surrender the policy?

Life Insurance provides your family with long-term financial security.
We, therefore, urge you to continue with your policy to avail all benefits and meet your financial goals.
However, if you still wish to surrender the policy, please visit the nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch. Click here to locate your nearest branch.
Click here to download our smart Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App and check your accumulated surrender value online at the click of a button.
To know more about the surrender process, you can call us on our toll-free number 1800-102-4444 from Monday to Saturday, between 9 am to 7 pm OR email us at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email address.

Note : Surrender request cannot be submitted online.

How can I update my registered address?

It is important to keep your current address updated for us to reach out to you conveniently for any communication related to your policy. Click here to download Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App and conveniently update your address on your smartphone anytime, anywhere!
Below are the alternate options to update your address with us:

  • Customer Portal
  • Send “Hi” to 022-48815768 to update details using our WhatsApp services
  • Email us at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email address
  • Visit nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch
  • Click here to locate your nearest branch


How can I change my premium mode and method of premium payment ?

Please note, mode change for your policy will be allowed only within 30 days from your policy anniversary date.
Click here to download Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App and conveniently update your your mode and method of payment on your smartphone anytime, anywhere!
Below are the alternate options to update the mode or method of your policy:

  • Customer Portal
  • Send “Hi” to 022-48815768 to update details using WhatsApp services
  • Email us at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email address
  • Visit nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch. Click here to locate your nearest branch


How can I update nominee details for the policy?

A nominee is the one who receives the benefits of a life insurance plan. It is therefore crucial to choose someone who you trust and genuinely care for as policy nominee. You also have the option to change the nominee at any given time during the policy journey.
Click here to download Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App and conveniently update your nominee on your smartphone anytime, anywhere!
Below are the alternate options to update the nominee of your policy:

  • Customer Portal
  • Send “Hi” to 022-48815768 to update details using our WhatsApp services
  • Email us at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email address
  • Visit nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch. Click here to locate your nearest branch


How to update email id and mobile number ?

To ensure that you receive all important policy related communication on time and to get any assistance from us, it is prudent that you keep your contact details updated with us. You can also avail a host of DIY (Do It Yourself) services conveniently on our WhatsApp BOT "Uttara" with your registered mobile number.
Click here to download Bharti AXA Life Insurance Mobile App and conveniently update your mobile number on your smartphone anytime, anywhere!
Below are the alternate options to update your contact details:

  • Customer Portal
  • Send “Hi” to 022-48815768 to update details using our WhatsApp services.
  • Email us at service@bhartiaxa.com from your registered email address
  • Call us on our Toll Free Number 1800-102-4444
  • Visit nearest Bharti AXA Life Insurance branch. Click here to locate your nearest branch