Confessions of a Term Life Insurance Agent: Things About Term Life Insurance No One Tells You

Confessions of a Term Life Insurance Agent:  Things About Term Life Insurance No One Tells You

One of the most crucial financial decisions you'll make is to purchase term life insurance. If you have people who are financially dependent on you, you may need insurance to safeguard them. Income protection insurance as well as insurance against the risks of death, accident, or major disease are all included in term life insurance. As it can be confusing, many people consult with an adviser to choose the best course of action. Term life insurance appears to be a simple financial instrument. Insurance firms collect premiums in exchange for paying a death benefit to the beneficiaries of policyholders. These strategies, on the other hand, can be far more complicated.

There are far more alternatives than people know, available in the market. Some policy benefits are tailored to specific groups, such as the Military Future Insurability Rider, which allows service personnel to convert a military policy into a civilian policy once they retire. Other benefits of term life insurance, on the other hand, are available to almost everybody. Here are some things about term life insurance that no one tells you.

Pay for the costs of long-term care

Since, long-term care insurance is costly, adding a rider to a term life insurance policy might be a cost-effective approach to obtain coverage. There are also speciality policies that combine life and long-term care insurance. Using long-term care benefits, whether as a rider or a speciality policy, often reduces the amount of the death benefit. While adding long-term care coverage to a term life insurance policy comes at a premium, it can be more cost-effective than purchasing two separate policies. It's also a viable option for those who want long-term care insurance but aren't sure if they'll need it. People who are insured will obtain coverage, but they will not spend money on insurance that they will not use.

Provide benefits if you're terminally ill

Living benefits are a feature that many term and whole-term life insurance plans include as standard. Living benefits are widely used yet underutilised in the industry. Living benefit provisions allow those with a life expectancy of 12 months or fewer to get a portion of their death benefit in advance. The details vary by plan, but in general, those with a life expectancy of 12 months or less can receive a portion of their death benefit in advance.

Good source of income if you are disabled

Some insurers do not require policyholders to be dying to get their death benefit early. Many insurance plans include chronic sickness or critical illness riders who pay out money if a person becomes handicapped or has a heart attack, stroke, or invasive cancer, among other things. People who are unable to work and are facing growing medical expenditures may benefit from these solutions. It's more vital to put those monies to good use while someone is still alive than to use them as a death benefit.

Make a final donation to a favourite charity

You could either leave the money in your savings account as a bequest to a charitable organisation, or you could use some of it to buy term life insurance and give much more. Moreover, you can use your money to make a larger charitable donation. You may be able to turn tiny monthly premiums into a significant donation depending on the coverage, your age, and your health.

Stay the course in a down market

One of the more unusual uses of permanent-term life insurance is to protect against a falling stock market. Take money out of term life insurance instead of selling stocks and taking a loss. This method only works with cash-value insurance coverage. Rather than withdrawing money from retirement savings, retirees might take a tax-free loan from a policy. Then, when the market recovers, investment gains can be utilised to repay the debt.

Low Taxes during Retirement

Leveraging loans from a whole life insurance policy isn't just for bad times. Policyholders can use their term life insurance as a personal retirement fund. As a result, assisting them in devising a withdrawal and loan strategy that will allow them to generate a continuing stream of tax-free income in retirement. This method can even be set up such that policyholders do not have to pay their premiums.

Protect a child's life

Although parents can purchase a separate insurance policy for their child, they can also add a rider to their existing coverage. A policy like this allows parents to budget for their children's needs as they progress through life. Many insurers provide kid protection riders at a modest cost with varying levels of coverage.

Invest in a child's college education

Another approach to using term life insurance to assist a child is to take out loans for tuition payments from a whole life policy. Many guaranteed loan rates are, quite honestly, better than the rates on many student loans. In addition, instead of paying interest to a bank or the government, that money is reinvested in the policy.

Your premiums will be waived

Many policies have premium waiver riders as standard, and these provisions can help customers who become disabled to keep their coverage. The rider, as its name implies, waives premiums for people who have suffered a qualifying injury or illness. Many individuals do not consider it because it is stated at the time of purchase, and they do not consider it when it is required.

Your money will be returned if nothing extraordinary occurs

Finally, you may not aware that if you reach the end of a policy's term without making a claim, your term life insurance company may refund all of your premiums. You must pay a premium for a return of premium rider, and it may be more cost effective to invest that money. Some people, on the other hand, prefer knowing that if they outlive their term life insurance, they will be reimbursed in full. When purchasing term life insurance, there are five things to bear in mind:

  • The following are some examples of policy definitions that may differ amongst providers. It's critical to know how your insurance company defines essential policy phrases like "permanent incapacity," "employment," and "severe medical problems." This is something that a financial advisor can assist you with.
  • If an insurer discovers you've misled or haven't revealed all of your medical issues or lifestyle choices, they have the right to change or cancel your coverage. Most insurers offer extremely extensive questionnaires for you to fill out, but if you have any questions about what conditions you need to report, ask your insurer or consultant for clarification.
  • Tell your folks about the products you have in your possession. Tell them whether you have life or funeral insurance so they can file a claim if you die
  • Check to see whether you're insuring yourself twice and ask yourself if you may be already covered by another product.
  • Keep in mind to review your policy frequently. Especially if you're getting married, buying a house, having children, moving careers, or paying off your mortgage.

Changing policies

Changing your coverage or provider requires careful consideration. You may obtain certain advantages (such as a lower premium), but you must ensure that you do not lose any advantages. For example, a claim that would have been accepted under your old insurance could be denied. To avoid being taken off guard, keep your old policy active until the new one takes effect. If your consultant recommends that you switch to a new insurance, make sure you grasp the advantages. Take a look at our five suggestions below:

When switching your term life insurance coverage, there are five ways you could get caught off guard.

  • There may be some variations on the cover: For example, you may have a history of heart illness, yet the new policy provides less coverage for coronary artery disease.
  • A new 'qualifying time' may be required by your new policy: Following the purchase of your new insurance, you may lose the ability to file a claim for some time.
  • As a 'pre-existing condition,' existing health problems may be excluded from your new policy: A claim that would have been accepted under your initial coverage could be denied.
  • Premiums are subject to change: You may pay for more insurance than you require, or you may pay cheaper short-term premiums but higher long-term premiums.
  • A difference in the financial soundness, customer experience, service, or claims processes of your provider: It's possible that you'll have to pay higher premiums or that filing claims will be more difficult.


The bottom lesson for term life insurance buyers is to look at more than just the death benefit when comparing policies. Many plans include valuable extras that may be worth paying a greater price for. There are numerous reasons to purchase term life insurance, but it's also crucial to realize that it comes with no conditions. Your family can put the money towards whatever they like, and it's usually tax-free. Every family’s requirement and aspiration are unique. Finally, term life insurance gives people choices — the types of choices you would have given your loved ones if you were still alive. Start by determining a coverage amount with the Bharti AXA term life insurance calculator if you're not sure how much you need or what your family could use it for.


*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time
The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale.
Make responsible financial decisions. Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.

Suggested Plans

Bharti AXA Life Guaranteed Wealth Pro

  • A non-linked, non-participating individual savings life insurance plan
  • Flexibility to choose the payout structure
  • Multiple income options
  • Option to receive tax free income beginning from the second policy year itself
  • Option to get lifelong income along with life cover till 100 years of age

Bharti AXA Life Shining Stars

  • Non-linked, non-participating limited pay super-endowment-plan
  • Designed to take care of the financial needs of your child.
  • Flexibility to opt between 2 Maturity Payout Options
  • Flexibility in Policy Term/Premium Payment Terms
  • A great short-term investment option for a child insurance policy.