New Policy Changes by IRDAI You Need to Know for Insurance Awareness

 Insurance Awareness About New Policy Changes by IRDAI

It is crucial to have peace of mind by securing the future of your loved ones with insurance. Insurance makes it easy to pay for hospitalization, medical care, contraction of any illness, medical emergencies, etc. It further takes care of the family if the insured dies and hence helps the dependents to repay debts and other immediate expenses. It helps families to maintain their standard of living even after the death of the sole earning member.

Certain insurance plans cover the education and health of the kids and often come with regular coverage. It is easy to cover your movable and immovable property with different insurance schemes. Leading insurance providers undertake various measures for insurance awareness. The newly introduced policy changes by the governing body can be easily understood with the help of dedicated customer services of the leading insurance companies.

Role of IRDAI

IRDAI is responsible for regulating and promoting and regulating the insurance and re-insurance industries in India. IRDAI is a ten-member body that consists of one chairman, four part-time members, and five full-time members. The main role of IRDAI, inclusive of different events on insurance awareness day, is the issuing, renewing, modifying, withdrawing, suspending, or cancelling different registrations.

It protects the interests of different policyholders. It designs the code of conduct for loss assessors and surveyors. It ensures the ethical working of different insurance companies and specifies bookkeeping requirements. All the disputes between the insurers and the intermediaries fall under the jurisdiction of IRDAI only.

New Insurance Policy Changes

There are certain life insurance policy changes recently that include :

  • New Covid-19 health plans : The increase in hospitalization laid stress on considering and getting different health plans. The IRDAI has now directed all insurance companies to launch Covid-19 specific health plans, and hence the Corona Kavach, and Corona Rakshak were born.
  • Increase online sales : The IRDAI has further asked the insurers to boost the online insurance sales to ensure that no user has to resort to physical buying. The Regulator has further emphasized the image uploading of different KYC documents.
  • Withdrawal of long-term motor insurance plans : The IRDAI has mandated the purchase of different motor vehicles through long- term third-party covers. Now, the vehicle owners can buy bundled plans with a long-term third-party cover along with a one-year damage cover. Thus, the comprehensive plans are now withdrawn.
  • Telemedicine coverage : IRDAI has asked different insurance providers to include the telemedicine medical costs if the existing health plans cover doctor consultations. Thus, the modern health plans in the Covid-19 pandemic now cover telemedicine costs. The consultation over phones has increased due to the existing and mandatory social distancing guidelines of the government in the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Elimination of physical signatures : The newly introduced concept is the elimination of the physical signatures on insurance policies. Thus, online insurance proposals can be verified using different OTPs rather than going for the physical signatures on different forms. Thus, the insurers can go for the leading service providers that offer services within the social distancing norms only.

Wrapping Up

It is thus imperative to stay up-to-date with the relevance of insurance awareness and the need to stay up to date with such changes whether you’re planning to buy or already have an insurance policy. The national insurance awareness day is celebrated on the 28th of June every year that aims to create awareness about different insurance plans and insurance benefits. All the new policy changes by IRDAI are critical and helpful for different users in challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic. You can go for the Bharti AXA Life insurance plans to safeguard your future while leveraging the benefits of the newly introduced changes.


*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time
The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale.
Make responsible financial decisions. Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.

Suggested Plans

Bharti AXA Life Flexi Term Pro

  • A Non-linked, Individual, Non-participating Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance policy
  • The plan offers two options: Without Return of Premium and With Return of Premium
  • Under the Without Return of Premium variant, you have the option between Single Life cover or Joint Life Cover i.e., cover for your spouse under the same policy.
  • Flexibility in policy and premium payment terms

Bharti AXA Life Saral Jeevan Bima Plan

  • Non-Linked Non-Participating term insurance plan
  • Double the sum Assured on death due to Accident
  • Flexibility to choose a policy term
  • No medical examinations• Ease of purchase as no lengthy underwriting procedures are involved.
  • Tax benefits