How to Buy Most Affordable Life Insurance Online in 2024

How to Buy Most Affordable Life Insurance Online in 2024

Life insurance is a cornerstone of financial planning in India. It provides a financial safety net for your loved ones in the unfortunate event of your passing. However, concerns about affordability can sometimes arise. The good news is, with the rise of online insurance options, securing life insurance at a competitive price has become more accessible than ever. This guide empowers you to navigate the online world of life insurance and find the most affordable plan that meets your needs in 2024.

Benefits of Buying Life Insurance Online

  • Convenience: Compare plans, get quotes, and potentially purchase your life insurance policy entirely online, saving you time and effort.
  • Wider Choice: Online access allows you to explore plans from a broader range of insurance companies, potentially leading to more affordable options.
  • Transparency: Many online platforms offer clear comparisons of features, coverage amounts, and premiums, making it easier to find the best value for your budget.
  • 24/7 Availability: Research and explore plans at your own pace, anytime, without being restricted by office hours.

Finding the Most Affordable Life Insurance Online

Here's a roadmap to guide you toward securing budget-friendly life insurance online:

1. Identify Your Needs

  • Coverage Amount: Consider your dependents' financial needs in your absence. Estimate living expenses, outstanding debts (e.g., mortgage), and future goals (e.g., child's education). This will help determine the ideal coverage amount.
  • Policy Term: Choose a policy term that aligns with the duration your dependents require financial support.
  • Type of Life Insurance: Term life insurance offers the most affordable coverage for a specific period. Whole life insurance provides lifetime coverage but typically comes with higher premiums.

2. Explore Online Platforms

Several online insurance aggregator websites allow you to compare quotes from various insurance companies in India. These platforms can be a valuable resource for finding affordable plans. Here are some factors to consider when using online aggregators:

  • Reputation: Choose a reputable online aggregator platform with a proven track record.
  • Transparency: Ensure the platform clearly displays information like coverage details, exclusions, and premium costs.
  • Customer Reviews: Read online reviews to gauge other users' experiences with the platform.

3. Compare Quotes

Don't settle for the first quote you see. Use online aggregator tools or visit the websites of different insurance companies to compare plans based on:

  • Coverage Amount: Ensure all compared plans offer the same coverage amount for an accurate price comparison.
  • Policy Term: Compare quotes for the same policy term to assess premium variations across different providers.
  • Premium Costs: Focus on the total premium amount you'll pay over the policy term, not just the monthly payment.
  • Policy Features: While affordability is crucial, consider any additional features offered by the plan (e.g., riders) that might be valuable.

4. Be Honest About Your Health

During the online application process, be truthful and transparent about your medical history. Withholding information could lead to claim settlement issues later. Most online platforms provide clear instructions and health questionnaires to guide you through this process.

5. Consider Optional Riders (Carefully)

Riders provide additional coverage benefits at an extra cost. While some riders might be valuable, adding multiple riders can significantly increase your premium. Carefully analyze the need for each rider before adding them to your plan.

6. Look for Discounts and Offers

Many insurance companies offer discounts for online purchases, healthy lifestyles (e.g., non-smoker), or choosing a longer policy term. Explore available discounts and choose a plan that maximizes your savings.

Additional Tips

  • Read the Policy Wording: Before finalizing your purchase, take the time to read and understand the policy terms and conditions, including exclusions and claim settlement procedures.
  • Customer Service: Choose an insurance company with a strong reputation for customer service to ensure a smooth experience if needed.


By following these steps and leveraging the convenience of online platforms, you can find the most affordable life insurance plan that effectively secures your loved ones' financial future in India. Remember, life insurance is an investment in your family's well-being. Don't let affordability concerns become a barrier to financial protection. By planning strategically and exploring online options, you can secure the coverage your family needs at a budget-friendly cost.

Disclaimer :

*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time’

The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale.
Make responsible financial decisions. Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.

Suggested Plans

Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro

  • An Individual Linked life cover with Insurance cum Savings Plan.
  • Choose a Variant: The plan offers you two variants to choose from a) Growth Variant b) Legacy variant
  • Grow your wealth further with Wealth booster
  • Multiple Investment Strategies to suit your investment needs
  • Tax benefits

Bharti AXA Life Guaranteed Wealth Pro

  • A non-linked, non-participating individual savings life insurance plan
  • Flexibility to choose the payout structure
  • Multiple income options
  • Option to receive tax free income beginning from the second policy year itself
  • Option to get lifelong income along with life cover till 100 years of age

Bharti AXA Life Flexi Term Pro

  • A Non-linked, Individual, Non-participating Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance policy
  • The plan offers two options: Without Return of Premium and With Return of Premium
  • Under the Without Return of Premium variant, you have the option between Single Life cover or Joint Life Cover i.e., cover for your spouse under the same policy.
  • Flexibility in policy and premium payment terms