Insurance For Women in India - Know How Life Insurance Helps

Insurance For Women in India

Life in India is undergoing a beautiful transformation. Women are playing increasingly important roles in shaping our society, contributing significantly to the economy and family well-being. Yet, despite these advancements, women often face unique challenges when it comes to financial security. This blog aims to empower women with knowledge about how life insurance can be a vital part of their financial safety net, catering to their specific needs and aspirations.

Understanding the Uniqueness of Women's Financial Journey

Women's financial journeys are distinct from men's in several aspects:

  • Longevity Gap: On average, women tend to live longer than men. This means their financial resources need to stretch further to cover living expenses throughout their retirement years.
  • Career Breaks: Women often take breaks from their careers for childcare and family responsibilities, impacting their earning potential and contribution to pension plans.
  • Financial Dependence: While the landscape is changing, some women may still face financial dependence on their spouses or families, making them vulnerable in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Building a Secure Future For Women via Insurance in India

Life insurance can be a powerful tool to address these unique challenges and build a financially secure future. Here's how:

1. Income Protection

  • Term Life Insurance: This is a basic and affordable option that provides a financial safety net in case of the policyholder's unfortunate demise. The death benefit received by the beneficiaries can help maintain their financial stability, cover living expenses, and support future aspirations.
  • Critical Illness Cover: This can be added as a rider to a term life insurance policy and provides financial support in case of critical illnesses like cancer, heart disease, or stroke. This can help cover medical expenses and ensure financial stability during the recovery period.

2. Long-Term Savings

  • Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs): These combine insurance coverage with market-linked investments, allowing women to build long-term wealth while also having life protection. Premiums are partially allocated towards life insurance and partially invested in various market instruments like stocks and bonds.
  • Endowment Plans: These provide guaranteed maturity benefits along with life insurance coverage. They offer a disciplined approach to saving, ensuring a lump sum payout at the end of the policy term, which can be used for retirement planning, child's education, or other financial goals.

3. Retirement Planning

  • Pension Plans: Women typically have shorter earning periods due to career breaks. Pension plans help bridge the income gap during retirement by providing a regular income stream. These plans can be started early in one's career to ensure a comfortable and independent retirement.
  • Retirement Savings Plans: These plans allow for regular contributions towards a retirement corpus, which can be invested in various options based on risk appetite and time horizon. This helps women accumulate a substantial sum for their golden years.

Additional Considerations While Choosing Insurance For Women in India

  • Affordability: Choose a plan that fits your budget comfortably. Many insurance companies offer flexible premium payment options like monthly or quarterly instalments.
  • Financial Goals: Clearly define your financial goals, whether it's child education, retirement planning, or wealth creation. Choose an insurance plan that aligns with these goals and provides the necessary financial support.
  • Claim Settlement Ratio: Opt for an insurance company with a high claim settlement ratio, ensuring timely and hassle-free claim payouts when needed.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting a qualified financial advisor can help you understand your unique needs, assess risk tolerance, and choose the right insurance plan that best suits your financial journey.


As women continue to break boundaries and redefine success, financial security becomes even more crucial. By understanding their specific needs and exploring the diverse range of insurance options available, women can create a robust financial safety net for themselves and their families. Remember, taking control of your finances today empowers you to build a brighter and more secure future tomorrow.


*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time’

The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale. Make responsible financial decisions. Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.

Suggested Plans

Bharti AXA Life Income Laabh

  • A non-linked, non-participating individual savings life insurance plan
  • Flexibility to choose the payout structure
  • Multiple income options
  • Option to receive tax free income beginning from the second policy year itself
  • Option to get lifelong income along with life cover till 100 years of age

Bharti AXA Life Guaranteed Wealth Pro

  • A non-linked, non-participating individual savings life insurance plan
  • Flexibility to choose the payout structure
  • Multiple income options
  • Option to receive tax free income beginning from the second policy year itself
  • Option to get lifelong income along with life cover till 100 years of age