How Do I Get My Spouse to Start Investing?

How Do I Get My Spouse to Start Investing?

People often have opposing viewpoints on different aspects. What matters is that you discuss it and come to an agreement. Even when it comes to your investment plans talk about how to invest your hard-earned money to support your goals. To begin with, you can have different notions about your investment goals. While deciding whether to merge checking and brokerage accounts may appear straightforward, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

The First Step in Your Financial Journey Together is to Talk About Your Financial Objectives

Before you start to formulate your investment plans together, make sure you talk about your objectives. Begin by discussing upcoming events, family milestones, and dreams that you both anticipate. How do you envision your perfect future? If your ideal scenario isn't possible, what concessions, if any, would you be willing to make? Here are some things to think about in terms of planning :

  • Will your pre-retirement investment years include college finance for your children? How much would you wish to contribute to their education?
  • Where do you envisage yourself spending your golden years? Do you intend to keep your existing way of life?
  • What do you envision yourself doing in 10, 20, and 30 years?
  • What is the one thing you haven't done yet that you really want to do? What else is there to say?
  • What kind of estate or legacy do you want to leave your loved ones?

You're well on your way to aligning your financial requirements and goals with feasible investment plans once you've answered these and other questions. You'll be more equipped to focus on other aspects of investing, such as risk and time horizon. In fact, you might even discover that discussing your finances helps you and your partner reach a more satisfying place in your relationship.

Practice your Discussion on Investment

If you're worried about having it, share your list of discussion topics with a trusted friend or confidante. Inquire about the best way to conduct the conversation. Keep it focused and positive, and make it as beneficial to your spouse as possible.

Make Your Spouse Aware of The Situation

Tell him or her that you'd like to talk about finances and its implications. Before you chat, your spouse may need time to locate financial paperwork.

Keep Your Emotions Under Control

As other health or family issues might be stressful enough, try to keep emotions out of your money discussions. To help moderate emotional concerns, you can invite a trusted friend or confidant to join the conversation.

What is a term insurance plan?

Term insurance plans are simply insurance plans that cover the insured for a fixed period (term). The entirety of the premiums paid during the subsistence of the policy goes towards coverage of the insured for risks in life. This is one of the most commonly availed life insurance plans in India because it affords greater protection at affordable rates. For someone who is responsible for both the younger and the older generation in the family, term insurance plans are the best way to secure the future.

Inquire About Your Spouse's Thoughts

Remember to listen and keep the talk focused on the family's financial condition. Moreover, try to avoid straying into other topics.

Consider The Possibility of Risks

Most investment plans take into account risk tolerance, or the degree of volatility in your portfolio's value that you're comfortable with. Is one of you more cautious, perhaps preferring conservative investments? Perhaps you're a daring risk-taker who prefers a more aggressive approach? Or do you fall somewhere in the middle? Finding the correct risk level for your situation is an essential part of the planning process.

Picture the Timeline of Your Investment

Your investment horizon, or the number of years you have to allow your portfolio to work in the markets, will help you or your investment advisor choose investments that are appropriate for your objectives and circumstances. In general, the amount of time you have may influence your ability to take on more risk in exchange for greater growth potential or to recoup from any losses you may incur. With less time in the markets, it may be necessary to be extra cautious.

Take a Decision Together

Even though you've come this far and have the same end goals in mind, you may need to compromise from time to time. For example, you can find yourselves on opposite ends of the risk tolerance continuum, or disagreeing over which stocks or funds to include in your portfolio. However, it is well worth the time and work it takes to get to a ‘yes’. Having a discussion about financial planning and investment could greatly improve your financial future.

Devise an Investment Strategy

You'll be in a better position to start investing in order to achieve your financial goals once you've established them. However, you and your partner will need to examine your investment perspectives to ensure that you're on the same page, especially when it comes to assessing risk vs. profit. If you and your partner both work full-time, be sure you're both participating in employer-sponsored retirement plans and contributing enough to qualify for any matching funds. Decisions pertaining to children have a significant financial impact on a couple's finances.

Many couples wonder whether or not to have children, how many to have, how to pay for day-care or who will stay at home to care for them, and how to plan for their education. If predicted inflation is taken into account, the actual figure can go significantly high and it does not include the expense of college. Many parents find raising children to be a wonderful experience, but you should be aware of how children can affect your finances. Couples without children face a vastly different financial situation. For instance, they may take more holidays or even consider retiring early if they save enough during their working years. When it comes to opening a brokerage account, there are two options: joint and separate accounts.

You'll need to open a brokerage account to invest outside of your employer retirement plan once you've discussed your goals and investment plans with your spouse. Couples should think about whether they want to open a joint account or two separate accounts. Before agreeing to a joint account, make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of your partner's financial condition and banks should keep the different guidelines in mind if there are too many joint account holders. If you're not married, you should think twice before opening a joint account and allowing someone else access to your money.

Benefits of a Joint Account

  • You and your spouse will each have complete control over the account, allowing you to make deposits, withdrawals, and investment decisions independently.
  • Once you choose joint tenants with rights of survivor-ship account, the account will be totally transferred to your spouse if you die.
  • You may be able to receive investing advice or counselling that you wouldn't be able to get on your own by consolidating your assets in one account, as well as potentially save money on fees.
  • Maintaining a track of many different accounts will certainly be more difficult than keeping track of one joint account, especially when trying to understand your entire financial picture.

Once you follow these simple steps, you will receive the policy details in the email address you have registered with the insurance provider.

Disadvantages of a Joint Account

  • You both have complete control over the account. This means that if your relationship hits a snag, your partner could sell everything and withdraw money without your approval.
  • You'll have to decide how you'll combine trading and investing decisions. Is it necessary for both of you to agree on an investment before you proceed? What strategy will you use to manage your various risk appetites?
  • If you want your share of the account to go to your heirs when you die, you'll need to open a tenants in common account to avoid your spouse inheriting your share of the account automatically. This sort of account allows two or more people to possess a certain percentage of the account without the other parties inheriting one of the owners' shares after they die.
  • A combined account will necessitate more communication between you and your partner than a separate account. Contributions and withdrawals, as well as investment decisions and a variety of other issues, will all require communication.
  • If you or your partner is in debt, creditors may target a joint account.
  • If you and your spouse have different risk appetites, it would be a better idea to keep separate accounts and work with a financial counsellor to figure out how your separate accounts will fit into your overall financial picture. It's fine if one individual is more risk averse than the other as long as you intend to achieve your objectives.

Steps To Take Next

  • Schedule a meeting with a financial expert such as Bharti AXA for you and your partner or spouse to discuss your investment plans.
  • Take a look at your most recent budget with your partner.
  • Make a list of your objectives for numerous critical points in the future.

Steps To Take Next

Always try to set up some time each week or month to discuss expenditures, financial planning, savings goals, and other financial concerns. It's easier for one spouse to take over when the other is unwell or otherwise unavailable when both partners are aware of their needs, goals, and priorities.

Understanding your partner's financial condition and working together to set financial objectives is only possible if you're both comfortable discussing finances openly. It's conceivable that you and your partner will have some disagreements in terms of financial goals or risk tolerance. However, discussing your differences can assist you in developing a comprehensive financial strategy that will bring you where you want to go in the short and long run.


*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time
The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale.
Make responsible financial decisions. Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.

Suggested Plans

Bharti AXA Life Wealth Pro

  • An Individual Linked life cover with Insurance cum Savings Plan.
  • Choose a Variant: The plan offers you two variants to choose from a) Growth Variant b) Legacy variant
  • Grow your wealth further with Wealth booster
  • Multiple Investment Strategies to suit your investment needs
  • Tax benefits

Bharti AXA Life Guaranteed Wealth Pro

  • A non-linked, non-participating individual savings life insurance plan
  • Flexibility to choose the payout structure
  • Multiple income options
  • Option to receive tax free income beginning from the second policy year itself
  • Option to get lifelong income along with life cover till 100 years of age

Bharti AXA Life Shining Stars

  • Non-linked, non-participating limited pay super-endowment-plan
  • Designed to take care of the financial needs of your child.
  • Flexibility to opt between 2 Maturity Payout Options
  • Flexibility in Policy Term/Premium Payment Terms
  • A great short-term investment option for a child insurance policy.