How to Invest Your Money During the Pandemic

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Almost all of us are facing one of the worst crises of the century, and the novel coronavirus has gripped all aspects of our lives. The virus has been spreading rapidly throughout the world, with almost 6 billion people infected. There isn't anything surprising to know that the novel coronavirus pandemic has also crippled the economy, and it will continue to impact various sectors in the next some quarters.

It is challenging to think about when market volatility was as high as it is now during the current pandemic. To curb the widespread of the virus, both central and state governments had imposed a strict lockdown that led to the shutting down of various industries and laying off employees. The stock market was also battered with it.

When it comes to investment during the pandemic, none of us are willing to invest any amount after witnessing the global economic downfall. We might think it is a terrible time to spend after watching some news like unemployment rising, looting of banks, and above all, the economy showing no signs of bouncing back.

Besides all of the stressful happenings, the stock market has been creeping up from the initial drop due to the pandemic. As every dark cloud has a silver lining, these tough days also have a hidden agenda like the mother earth is healing.

One shouldn't stress as this shall too pass soon. Someday again, we will have our goals back like sending our kids to good universities, retirement plans, etc. To fulfill such projects, we need to invest. Besides investing, you shouldn't neglect your health during the pandemic as any doesn't see the future of us. It would be wise if you would buy Covid-19 + COVID Health Insurance.

Some might be in a dilemma on how to start investing during the pandemic while some might plan to visit a wealth advisor. Similarly, it is challenging to adjust portfolios during this time of the year for most investors. One should check their investments, including the ones that give poor returns and also ensure you balance them well.

Many people have a dilemma to invest their funds in mutual funds, but one should always understand that it is essential to focus on the quality of returns. Invest in funds that will help your funds grow. Also, some people are concerned if they should keep on investing or not. The simple answer is if you have a steady monthly income, you shouldn't stop spending.

Guide to investing during the pandemic

  • Think twice before selling the investment- Since 2008, the stock market has taken the biggest hit. It is no hidden fact that we are widely affected by the recession. It is common to bail on the market during the recession. Almost all retail investors wish to get their money out of assets that seem weak for free fall that might correctly feed the emotional fears.
    But the truth is that nothing lasts forever, so the volatile market will also not last. The volatility of the market will ease, and the economic fundamentals will again dominate the market's direction.
    It might be the wisest decision to keep your money unless you have invested in industries that are unlikely to recover huge losses anytime soon or need cash instantly. It is specifically true if you sell the investments right now, you might only recover possible damages and turn them to cash.
    You can regain the value if provided. You wait for the market to recover. The investors who waited while the market hit rock bottom have already seen a significant recovery in their savings. It took almost two years for the market to recover after the great depression.
    It is not predictable how much time it will take for the market to get back on track, but one thing is for sure that selling out of fear will do more harm than good. If you are still willing to invest, then it is advisable to buy Covid-19 + COVID Health Insurance with the excess amount.
  • Think buying as an option during this time- The majority of the investors are currently focused on liquidity. It is common for everyone who fears to lose their jobs as the last thing they want is to invest money they need later for the rent.
    Though it is a genuine concern at the same time, it is essential to balance the need for cash currently against the need for money during retirement. It is an extraordinary opportunity for anyone who has the finance to invest now.
    As per some expert analysis, it can be predicted that some companies will come out battered out of the pandemic. Some are additionally undervalued for a long time now. Currently, stock prices portray short term revenue loss and market fear more than the company's actual damages. Though the coffee shops may be empty and airlines may be struggling, everything will get back to normal in a year or two.
    Hold on to the memories, instead focus on investing. If you are worried about emergency cash, buy quick assets that can be liquidated quickly. A bear market is ideally the right time to invest.
    Mostly you should avoid trying to time the market's recovery as when it comes to investment; many emotions come in play. Furthermore, it depends on perfection.
    Along with the investments, it is advisable to invest in Covid-19 + COVID Health Insurance because it's the need for the hour and cannot be neglected.
  • Concentrate on your investment portfolio around funds- The stock market has turned upside down due to the 2020 recession. Professionals are currently spending their time to predict the specific sectors that will bounce back. While some companies won't survive, others may flourish.
    If you are planning to mitigate risk and, at the same time, willing to grow your money, you should focus on funds.
    When it comes to individual equities, the degree of risk might be slightly magnified.
  • Start investing in stages- As there is no way to predict which companies will bounce back instantly, there is also no way to predict the market timeline. On the bright side, it appears the market is beginning to recover, but it is essential to mitigate risks by investing in stages.
    You can new investments weekly or buy picking up a schedule. It isn't advisable to put money in haste as it would be risky. It is advisable not to invest all the money in the market and save some funds to buy Covid-19 + COVID Health Insurance to stay safe in the pandemic.
    No one knows when the stock market will be bottom out, so it is advisable to invest in stages rather than haste.
  • Additional tips :
    • If you are confused about investing during the pandemic, consider talking to a financial advisor about investing in the epidemic.
    • One of the safest options to invest in a pandemic is index funds.
    • Invest wisely; don't neglect your health as the future is unpredictable. Buy Covid-19 + COVID Health Insurance and avoid excessive financial burden.

Thus one should implement these tips when it comes to investing during a pandemic.


The article is meant to be general and informative in nature and should not be construed as solicitation material. Please read the related product brochures for exclusions, terms and conditions, warranties, etc. carefully before concluding a sale.
Consult with your financial advisor before making any decisions on insurance purchase.
*Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time

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